Paid Leave & threat to donor privacy die over the weekend

Well, we are pleased to support that at least for another session, a revised leave proposal (HB 11), has died.
It was killed in the Senate Finance Committee Saturday on an 8-3 vote. The bill had been overhauled dramatically and received a new name, but it was still an economically-destructive bill and now it had even more solvency problems (as RGF pointed out time and again). Thankfully, the Senate Finance Committee saw those concerns and rejected the bill. This is a HUGE win for sanity in New Mexico as well as businesses and workers.
The news keeps getting better, however. Another priority for RGF, SB 85 a bad bill that would have infringed on the ability of RGF and other non-profit organizations to engage in political debates, died in a Senate Committee (House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee). The bill was a top priority of Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth. It received opposition from the Rio Grande Foundation and groups across the political spectrum.
RGF’s Paul Gessing recently participated in a 30 minute webinar during which he and others discussed the issue.