Get ready for a busy week in the Roundhouse

In years past (especially 60 day sessions) things tended to start slowly. Considering the left-leaning makeup of New Mexico’s Legislature this was a good thing. No longer.
Below is a screen shot of some of the bills we’ve rated for our Freedom Index. They are already beginning their legislative journeys this week with their first committee hearings. The strategy seems to be to overwhelm opponents (like RGF) and our supporters who simply cannot engage on every bill with our limited resources.
So, if you are curious about any or all of the following bills which will all be up for hearings this week, go to the Legislature’s website and reach out to the proper committee (or attend the hearing in-person or virtually). As you ca. n see, all of these bills have been labeled “extreme” by RGF. Most of them impact the oil and gas industry that keeps New Mexico afloat and fuels America’s domestic energy growth.
While ALL of these bills are unlikely to pass, even one or two of them passing could be devastating for New Mexico.