Latest poll finds New Mexicans say the economy not good

Vice President Kamala Harris stands in front of a "Bidenomics" sign as she tours McKinstry's factory after giving a speech ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson)

Coming on top of other recent polling data from the Albuquerque Journal (including polls showing Kamala Harris winning New Mexico, Biden being unpopular, and MLG also rather unpopular (it’s evenly split) it is interesting to see the polling data below which relates to economic issues facing New Mexico. Of course, we know that nationally people are not happy with the Biden/Harris Administration’s failed economic approach, but one might think that with an unprecedented oil and gas boom in full swing that New Mexicans’ economic outlook might be a little bit more positive. As the data below highlight, that is not the case.

One might think that Harris would pay a price for her part in the Biden Administration and her likelihood of continuing the Administration’s unpopular policies, but that appears not to be the case. And, while MLG is not particularly popular, she is seen favorably by a slight majority of the electorate which is amazing because she has completely avoided doing anything of note with New Mexico’s massive oil and gas surplus.