Tipping Point Episode 192: New Mexico is on Lockdown until May 15 – Is There a Plan?

The Rio Grande Foundation and Power the Future have launched a new website, FairlyOpen NM. New Mexicans can sign the petition urging Gov. Lujan Grisham to create a clearly administered fair and open process for opening up New Mexico’s economy. If a Home Depot or Lowe’s can be opened, how about a nursery, church, or other business? Decisions should be based on clear data presented openly not broad assertions of government power.

MLG places NM on lockdown until May 15, Grants Mayor, where is the economic plan? Great editorials in ABQ Journal the past few days on ABQ BernCo fairy tale budgets and reopening NM.

One business owner’s challenge in opening her business: https://errorsofenchantment.com/guest-column-madelyn-jones-on-saving-her-bridal-store-in-the-age-of-corona-virus/

Egolf, “We face ‘the most significant budget deficit in state history.”

NY Times cascade of bad journalism leads us to appear in another article: https://errorsofenchantment.com/plastics-wont-save-oil-and-gas-sector/

A Michael Moore film worth watching makes a devastating case against so-called “green energy”: https://errorsofenchantment.com/a-michael-moore-film-worth-watching/

Under NM State law it is actually illegal for stores to limit purchases of individual items by customers.

Liberty on Quarantine our new effort will involve US Senate candidates starting with Gavin Clarkson this Thursday evening.