Tipping Point episode 542: Education Conference, Shooters Captured, Homeless Ruling, EV Mandate Enforcement and more

Paul is in Savannah, Georgia. He discusses what has brought him there. Paul also recaps the OAKNM education conference which took place on Friday.

The shooters who precipitated MLG’s anti-gun health order were captured. They have (not surprisingly) been involved with the criminal justice system in the past and were not likely to be deterred by MLG’s anti-gun orders.

A MLG-appointed New Mexico district judge rules that the homeless can’t be removed from public spaces.

How will MLG’s potential EV mandate actually be enforced? Paul has a detailed answer.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s daughter has close ties to the Cuban government. This is especially concerning because hostile foreign nations have a long track record of supporting anti-energy forces in the US.

Our op-ed on MLG’s gun order and her long-standing disdain for “democracy” ran statewide.