Tipping Point New Mexico episode 275: Covid-19 Yellow, Back to School?, Good, Bad and Ugly Bills, Frozen Windmills, Crime and more

We hope we’re moving the right direction, but obviously a shift backward and yet another closure could harm restaurants.

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller says we won’t get to Green until summer. 

CDC director had said schools should reopen regardless of teacher vaccinations, but the Biden Administration’s union-friendly politics got in the way.

According to ABQ Journal: 47 districts currently open for hybrid at elementary schools. And 41 of the state’s 89 districts had secondary students on campus through that mixed learning approach.

But opening was not mandated and Albuquerque Public Schools and Santa Fe Public Schools are among the districts that are teaching virtually for now despite the governor’s recent action.

Will school open “normally” this fall?

The State has asked the federal government to skip standardized testing.

Discussing education and the pandemic, the UNM Lobo athletic department budget has been devastated by the pandemic and shutdowns.

Paul and Wally discuss the good, bad, and ugly of New Mexico’s 2021 “virtual” session.

An anti-fracking bill SB 149 was heard over the weekend and passed its first Committee. The bill heads to Senate Judiciary Committee next.

Washington/NM anti-energy policies will harm the US economy w/o helping the environment.

Texas windmills have frozen due to cold weather. 

Paul and Wally discuss HB 4, New Mexico’s Civil Rights Act. 

Is the DOJ settlement with Albuquerque causing crime to increase?