post Tipping Point NM episode 677: Bad Bills Moving at Legislature, Thoughts on State of the State Address, New Mexican’s Median Pay Lowest in America and more 01.30.2025
post Tipping Point NM episode 661: Trump Could Learn from New Mexico?, Decline in Public School Enrollment to Accelerate and more 11.27.2024
post MLG symposium on transportation omits the one technology New Mexicans actually use to get around 11.19.2024
post Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 653: Trump Coming to New Mexico, ABQ Journal Calls for Change, Election Predictions 10.30.2024
post 652 Germaine Chappelle – Update on Impacts of Energy Transition Act in Four Corners Region 10.24.2024
post Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 649 What is a “Fair Share” of Taxes?, The Leftist “Freedom Agenda” and more 10.18.2024
post Tipping Point NM episode 644: What People are Saying about New Mexico’s Lack of Economic Freedom, New Mexicans Not Happy with The Economy and more 09.27.2024