Errors of Enchantment

The Feed

Chickens Coming Home to Roost for Justice Souter


This via Professor Frasca at Division of Labour:
On Monday June 27, Logan Darrow Clements, faxed a request to Chip Meany the code enforcement officer of the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire seeking to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road. This is the present location of Mr. Souter’s home.
Clements, CEO of Freestar Media, LLC, points out that the City of Weare will certainly gain greater tax revenue and economic benefits with a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road than allowing Mr. Souter to own the land.
The proposed development, called “The Lost Liberty Hotel” will feature the “Just Desserts Café” and include a museum, open to the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America. Instead of a Gideon’s Bible each guest will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged.”

Sorry, are my teeth grinding?


This sort of ruling gets my constitutionalist-blood boiling.
As Harry recently noted, its nice to have a doubting Thomas.
His dissent showed crystal clear economic insight with regard to subjective value and consumer surplus:
“So-called ’urban renewal’ programs provide some compensation for the properties they take, but no compensation is possible for the subjective value of these lands to the individuals displaced and the indignity inflicted.”
I hope good people running for local office in New Mexico are paying attention to this. Let’s not let this happen here!

DuPont’s Disinformation


Pete DuPont makes the absurd claim that Bill Richardson has exercised spending discipline:
“Colorado’s Bill Owens supported (though he is wavering a bit) the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, or Tabor, a constitutional provision restricting the growth of state spending to the growth in population plus inflation and mandating the return of any revenue surplus to the taxpayer, making Colorado a top personal income growth state in the country for a decade. New Mexico’s Bill Richardson has followed the same successful path, holding state spending to Tabor levels even though there is no requirement that he do so, and reducing income and capital gains taxes.”
Here is my response:
DuPont needs to get his facts straight about Bill Richardson. Richardson is on a spending binge. In current dollars Richardson is on pace to have increased New Mexico’s general fund budget by $400 million above inflation plus population growth by the end of his term. That constitutes an increase of 9.5% ABOVE a TABOR limit. He has squandered the opportunity for significant tax reductions inherited from Gary Johnson’s 8 years of budget discipline.
CATO and Forbes had their facts wrong about Richardson’s tax record. Now DuPont can’t get it right about spending. Why all of this disinformation about New Mexico?

America’s Next Tax Revolt


Did you see this editorial in Friday’s Wall Steet Journal? Excerpts:
“It hasn’t yet hit the intensity level of Howard Jarvis’s Proposition 13, the famous ballot measure that slashed California property taxes by 30% and sparked a nationwide tax revolt in the late 1970s. But activists in at least 20 states — from Alaska to South Carolina — are working to enact Taxpayer Bill of Rights (Tabor) laws to cap runaway state spending and tax increases.”
“Last week in Richmond, Virginia, taxpayer groups from 30 states gathered under the banner of the State Policy Network to discuss how to insert these anti-tax restrictions into state constitutions.”
The Rio Grande Foundation is taking part in this revolt. Stay tuned this summer as we further our documentation of runaway state spending in New Mexico.

Sun Screen Blocked


In today’s report from Chuck Muth:
According to the latest “Give Me a Break” commentary by ABC’s John Stossel, the chemical Mexoryl effectively blocks UVA the rays from the sun which cause wrinkles. Dermatologists swear by it. And sun worshippers in Rio, Paris, Mexico, Canada and Australia have been lathering up with it for over a dozen years now.
But don’t look for it on the shelves of your local drug store here in the U.S. of A. It ain’t there. Why? Because it’s illegal here. You see, the federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) still hasn’t “approved” Mexoryl as safe and effective.
How typically “governmental” to be told over and over and over that the sun is dangerous and not to forget to wear sunscreen…while the feds continue to ban the most effective sunscreen on the market today.
And this is the same group some want to turn the regulation of tobacco over to? Give me a break.

Dumb Growth Controls


A bad idea filled with feel-good rhetoric has been exposed. So called “smart” growth policies are not working out after all. Unfortunately, Albuquerque has not yet caught on.

Subsidies for drunks?


New Mexico now has a law requiring ignition interlocks on the cars of convicted drunk drivers. (An interlock is a device that uses a breathalizer to estimate the driver’s blood alcohol content and then shuts down the ignition if the driver flunks the test.)
These devices cost more than $500–not cheap. So here’s my prediction: Within the next 18 months a bill will be introduced in the state legislature to pay for interlocks for drunks who “can’t afford them.”
Does this sound absurd? Yes, but not unlikely.

Health Savings Accounts


Two weeks ago Winthrop Quigley (subscription) gave us a pessimistic report on the status of Health Savings Accounts in New Mexico. An excerpt:
“Tax-advantaged savings accounts designed to restrain health-care spending have been slow to take off and haven’t made much of a dent in the number of uninsured workers, according to insurance industry research.”
But a report today from Michael Barone is much more promising. Health care costs may actually be slowing their rate of growth. According to Barone “…the evidence is that health care costs are being held down, by the workings of the marketplace, partly in response to health care legislation passed in the last four years.”
New Mexico is not likely to benefit, however. Our tax treatment discourages these accounts. And our vast array of Medicaid recipients do not need the accounts, since someone else pays for their health care.

So far, so bad


So called “school reform” New Mexico style is not going to work because the incentives are all wrong. Look here for one assessment of the results so far. Last again.

Tax Relief by Mistake


Does ignorance of basic economics ever do any good? Maybe so.
When New Mexico repealed its gross receipts tax on groceries, it raised the tax on nearly every other good and service. It attempted to calculate this rate increase to exactly offset the revenue loss from grocery tax relief.
However, the state’s “economists” failed to allow for consumers’ negative responses to higher taxes. Supply side economics in reverse, as it were. With a nearly one percent increase in the cost of most goods, people bought less, or increasingly shopped out of state. The result was that net revenue losses were ten pecent more than expected.
Of course, any tax cut—even if by accident—is a good idea. Sadly, this was merely a reduction in a tax hike, but it was better than nothing. Truly, an “error of enchantment.”

Medical Marijuana decision


Too bad we don’t have more doubting Thomases on the Supreme Court. Here is a portion of Justice Clarence Thomas’s dissent:
“Respondents Diane Monson and Angel Raich use marijuana that has never been bought or sold, that has never crossed state lines, and that has had no demonstrable effect on the national market for marijuana. If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.”
The Commerce Clause has enabled activist judges to make up the rules as we go along. So much for the Constitution.
See more thoughtful discussion here.

Another Government Failure: Ethanol


From NCPA:
Ethanol’s advocates have long argued that increasing the amount used in
gasoline would be a boon to the economy, reduce our dependence on
foreign oil and improve air quality.
Yet, more than two decades and tens of billions of dollars in subsidies,
tax credits and fuel mandates have done little other than enrich the
agribusinesses that produce ethanol, says H. Sterling Burnett, a senior
fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis.
Indeed, the economic impact of ethanol subsidies is negative. One report
by the U.S. Agriculture department determined that every $1 spent
subsidizing ethanol costs consumers more than $4.
There are several reasons for this, says Burnett:
o Every bushel of corn devoted to ethanol production leaves less
for human consumption and animal feed — thus people pay more for
corn, beef, poultry and pork than they would absent the
o And prices for other goods are also higher since farmers, in
pursuit of lucrative subsidies, devote more acreage to corn
rather than other, unsubsidized, produce.
o Additionally, the costs of growing, distilling and blending
ethanol into gasoline makes it cost 51 cents more per gallon to
produce than regular gasoline.
The clamor for increased use of ethanol also raises the specter of the
current problems surrounding the use of MTBE, the fuel additive that oil
producers began blending with gasoline in the mid-1990s to meet stricter
clean-air standards. Although not carcinogenic in humans, MTBE has
caused huge problems recently because it leaks from storage tanks and
contaminates local water supplies.
Absent federal subsidies and mandates, ethanol would likely disappear
from the marketplace. Like so much of the pork Congress bestows upon
special interests, ethanol is bad for the economy, consumers and the
environment, says Burnett.
Source: H. Sterling Burnett, “Ethanol benefits makers, legislators who
support their cause,” Billings Gazette, June 5, 2005.

No Central Planner Left Behind


Chuck Muth expresses my sentiments better than I ever could:
“For all its purported virtues, the Bush/Kennedy ‘No Child Left Behind’ law is perhaps the biggest threat to state sovereignty this side of the Rio Bravo today. The federal NCLB law tells states how they MUST run their re-education camps…er, public schools…or else.
Up ’til now that “or else” has been a threatened cut-off of federal funds to states who refuse to ‘get with the program.’ But now that Utah has gone on record as telling Uncle Sam to take his money and shove it, the feds are getting significantly more cranky. In fact, Nina Rees from the Education Department announced at a Cato Institute forum on Tuesday that, ‘We’re going to take a hard line against states that blatantly violate the law.’
So when the carrot doesn’t work, the feds are more than happy to whip out the ol’ stick to compel state compliance with the diktats of the omnipotent federal government. 10th Amendment supporters should be outraged. More states should follow Utah’s lead. Congress should repeal NCLB. And the federal Department of Education ought to be eliminated, just as Republicans proposed back in 1994…BEFORE they actually became the party of power.”

Don’t Worry about the Trade Deficit


Walter Williams explains why you should not worry about the trade deficit.
I wish politicians were as economically literate as Professor Williams. But they are not:
“Some politicians gripe about all the U.S. debt held by foreigners. Only a politician can have that kind of audacity. Guess who’s creating the debt instruments that foreigners hold? If you said it’s our profligate Congress, go to the head of the class. If foreigners didn’t purchase so much of our debt, we’d be worse off in terms of higher inflation and interest rates.”

Long knives, short common sense


Can you believe this? What’s next: blunt instruments or plastic bags?
I wonder why they don’t just get it over with and recommend banning criminals.
(Thanks to NCPA for the link.)

“Living Wage” follow-up


Wishful thinkers advocating the minimum wage refuse to acknowledge that the empirical evidence does not support their claims. Here is the follow-up statement I sent to Albuquerque City Council today:
“Living Wage” Hurts the Poor
Subsequent to my statement of May 20, 2005 I have seen several more empirical claims that the living wage will not hurt the poor. These claims constitute voodoo economics in the extreme.
Many factors (such as tax climate, regulatory climate, education, local entrepreneurial opportunities, what is happening in other states and localities, what is happening in other countries, business cycles and so forth) in addition to the “living wage” determine whether a local economy expands or contracts. In order to tease out an economically sound estimate of the effect of the “living wage,” the empirical economist must account for all the factors. Empirical studies that purport to show that the “living wage” does not hurt the poor and perhaps even expands employment and helps the poor do not account for all factors.
Studies that do account for all factors show overwhelmingly that wage floors hurt the poor. And those hurt are the least effective interest group in society (minorities, low skilled, relatively uneducated). They have no voice in the matter. All many of them know is that there is no job available when they go looking. For them the legal living wage becomes ZERO.
An excellent summary of the history and all the empirical evidence of wage floors may be found in: David Neumark in his research summary “Raising Incomes by Mandating Wages.” It may be found online here.
There are lots of things we can do to help the poor. The “living wage” idea is not only ineffective; it is counterproductive.

Corporate Welfare I


Corporate welfare does not create jobs. It makes us all worse off. Look here for a great explanation with lots of links.
Check here for my 2003 estimate of the costs of the economic development lies in New Mexico.

Who Lacks Understanding?


Did you happen to see this response to John’s living wage column in today’s ABQ Journal? If you really want understanding check this eloquent critique of progressives/socialists like Ann Kass.
Excerpt (you should read the whole thing):
· Employment and Wages: If I was going to sell my old TV set on eBay, most people would not think to have the government tell me how much I should be willing to accept for the TV. For me, even $20 might be enough, if the TV was not being used and just taking up space in my house. Can you imagine government agents descending on me and saying – “I’m sorry, but people much smarter than you have decided that $20 is too little for you to accept for that TV. We would rather you get nothing than get too little.”
Well, that is exactly what happens with labor. The government that does not tell me how much to sell my TV for does tell me that I can’t sell my labor below a certain price. They would rather me not work at all than work for $4.50 an hour. The arrogance of this is startlingly clear in lesser developed countries.
Progressives do not like American factories appearing in third world countries, paying locals wages progressives feel are too low, and disrupting agrarian economies with which progressives were more comfortable. But these changes are all the sum of actions by individuals, so it is illustrative to think about what is going on in these countries at the individual level.
One morning, a rice farmer in southeast Asia might face a choice. He can continue a life of brutal, back-breaking labor from dawn to dusk for what is essentially subsistence earnings. He can continue to see a large number of his children die young from malnutrition and disease. He can continue a lifestyle so static, so devoid of opportunity for advancement, that it is nearly identical to the life led by his ancestors in the same spot a thousand years ago.
Or, he can go to the local Nike factory, work long hours (but certainly no longer than he worked in the field) for low pay (but certainly more than he was making subsistence farming) and take a shot at changing his life. And you know what, many men (and women) in his position choose the Nike factory. And progressives hate this. They distrust this choice. They distrust the change. And, at its heart, that is what opposition to globalization is all about – a deep seated conservatism that distrusts the decision-making of individuals and fears change, change that ironically might finally pull people out of untold generations of utter poverty.

Potty Parity


I am not making this up: Potty Parity may soon be coming to NYC. Hard to believe that Santa Fe is not setting the potty parity precedent.