Episode 526: Should New Mexico Implement Texas Policies?, Albuquerque Bike Trail and Soccer Stadium, Who Benefits Most from Film Subsidies and more

Paul had an opinion piece about his recent trip to Texas and observations. It ran in Sunday’s ABQ Journal. Not surprisingly, the article drew heated responses from those who despise Texas and others who appreciated the perspective.

The left wing “Searchlight” New Mexico did a story which was obviously an attempt to make MLG seem like a “moderate” on the environment.

Paul sat down w/ KOAT to discuss the Mayor’s proposed bike trail. In a separate story he also discussed the latest plans for a United Soccer Stadium.

New Mexico subsidizes film industry fat cats. 

Yet another report slams New Mexico’s education system. MLG applauds more spending. 

We have a luncheon on August 8. 

RGF is hosting an education event on September 22nd.