We recently requested of Bernalillo County the following: The number of EV charging stations (current or planned), their locations, charging level, and cost per unit. Here’s what we received:
Existing units can be found at (unfortunately, no price information was provided on existing units):
1 single level two charger with 2 ports at Alvarado.
1 single level two charger with 2 ports at Rio Bravo Rail Station.
1 single level two charger with 2 ports at Montaño Rail Station.
1 single level two charger with 2 ports at Los Ranchos Rail Station.
Per the County’s response, the County has applied for several grants, presumably from the federal government. Here are the details (if received).
4 level three charges with 2 ports each at Route 66 estimated at $2,100,000.
Upgrade the existing level two charger currently at Alvarado to a faster (higher amp) level 3 charger. This addition and upgrade is estimated at $875,000.
1 level two charger with two ports at Los Padillas Community Center estimated at $64,793. Project totaling $457,751.
1 level two charger with two ports at Los Vecinos Community Center estimated at $97,190. Project totaling $222,692.
1 level two charger with two ports at Paradice Hills Community Center estimated at $80,992. Project totaling $394,964.
1 level two charger with dual ports at Westside Community Center estimated at $80,992. Project totaling $470,451.
We have been repeatedly told by advocates for EV’s and the deployment of their charging stations that we are applying higher costs to EV chargers than their real costs. But, when Highlands University has a Level 1 (the lowest level) charging station that cost $11,181.47. Western NM’s charging station cost $101,682.91, and CNM’s level 2 charging stations cost $45,000 per unit, it is clear that EV charging units cost more than their advocates would have us believe.