Errors of Enchantment

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NM economy shrank in first TWO quarters of 2022


The news cycle moves quickly nowadays and the debate over whether the two consecutive quarters of economic shrinkage experienced by the US in the first two quarters of 2022 qualified as a “recession” or not seems like a distant memory at this point.

Here is a post made in July about Q1 2022 showing New Mexico’s economy shrinking even more than most states .

What did Q2 look like for New Mexico (the second quarter of national shrinkage)? Yet again, New Mexico’s economy shrank once again. Notably, in BOTH quarters New Mexico’s economy shrank the fastest among its neighbors. This, despite an ongoing and unprecedented boom in New Mexico’s Permian Basin.

Real GDP: Percent Change at Annual Rate, 2022:Q1-2022:Q2

Notably, Texas’ economy GREW in Q2. Also, in BOTH quarters, New Mexico DRAMATICALLY underperformed the nation economy with an economy that shrank much faster than the US as a whole.

Attempted Voices for Children takedown of Ronchetti tax cut plan fails


In an attempt to call gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti’s tax cut plan into question Voices for Children and their “action” arm have released an “analysis” of Ronchetti’s plan that simply fails to hold up under basic scrutiny.

You can read an article about the analysis here and their actual analysis here. The gist of it is as follows. Voices notes that New Mexico’s general fund budget is $8.4 billion and that Ronchetti’s plan will reduce revenues by $2 billion annually. They claim this is a problem that will result in spending cuts and the like.

But all you need to do is to consider some basic information to see that Voices is just wrong. Here is the basic budget lowdown. The LFC estimates New Mexico will bring in “$10.9 billion in revenue for the coming fiscal year.” That’s more than double the $5.4 billion in revenue the state took in just over a decade ago” meaning the budget has grown tremendously.

So, if Ronchetti’s plan were to kick in, New Mexico’s expected revenues for FY 2024 (the coming fiscal year, we are CURRENTLY in FY 2023) would be “only” $8.9 billion instead of $10.9 billion. That’s STILL a healthy increase from where spending is today. It also represents a static approach meaning that NO positive financial impact is contemplated from New Mexicans having all of those additional tax dollars in their pockets.

There are numerous other changes that COULD be made to either reduce spending OR improve New Mexico’s economy and thus generate more money. ALSO, Ronchetti’s rebate plan is contingent on oil and gas revenues, so if THEY go down, so do the rebates and the cost of his plan.


New Mexico, the energy state that (mostly) elects those who hate energy


With an election looming and ALL three members of New Mexico’s House delegation up for reelection (not to mention Gov. and the Legislature), it is worth reminding voters just how reliant the State is on energy production.

New Mexico is #2 in the nation in oil production;

New Mexico is among the top 10 natural gas producing states;

About 40% of the State budget is derived from oil and natural gas.

One might think that New Mexico would elect political leaders that are broadly supportive of the Industry, but you would be wrong. As RGF’s president has argued in the past, voters in this “relatively poor, but oil-rich Western state elect(s) politicians that are so directly at odds with its economic best interest.”

A recently-published report from the pro-energy American Energy Alliance only reiterates with the following results on its report card. And Gabe Vasquez, running against pro-energy Rep. Yvette Herrell in a hotly-contested race would only shift the balance even further away from rational energy policy having  “argued in favor of opposing fracking, the Green New Deal and the “extremely toxic fossil fuel industry” according to CNN.

Why vote against bonds?


No matter where you live in New Mexico (and around the nation) you will be asked to vote on a large number of bonds this election. Statewide we have three bonds on the ballot (senior facilities, libraries, and higher education). In Bernalillo County there are an additional five bonds.

You will be told that voting “yes” won’t raise your taxes (usually property tax). What is left unsaid is that rejecting even ONE bond would result in LOWER taxes.

Sadly, at least in “blue” Bernalillo County, but seemingly in blue New Mexico as well, bonds almost never fail. So, a failed bond or two every few years would ensure that politicians know voters are paying attention and won’t just blindly support whatever they serve up. If I had to pick one to kill statewide it would be Bond 3 for higher education. Locally, I’d look closely at transportation and public housing.

New Mexico among US states losing young, wealthy to other states


According to a new report from Smart Asset, New Mexico is among the states losing 35 year olds who earn $100,000 or more. Neighboring states including Colorado, Texas, Arizona, and Utah were among the most popular for those “rich” young professionals while Oklahoma was a net loser as well. Seven of the nine zero income tax states (Alaska and Wyoming being the exceptions) saw net additions of young people.

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ABQ City Council wisely rejects rent control


There are few bad ideas that fail to gain traction in New Mexico, especially with big-city liberal politicians, but (thankfully), rent control has been rejected by Albuquerque’s City Council and by a 7-2 vote no less. Only Fiebelkorn and Benton supported it.

Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck asserted, “In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city—except for bombing.” Economists from across the political spectrum argue that rent control is harmful. And, while the Albuquerque measure was merely a memorial, it would have been harmful had it passed. Kudos to the five councilors who opposed this ill-advised measure.

4 Rent Control Tips - Belwood Properties



Incumbent land commissioner threatens to hold NM’s largest industry “hostage” to get preferred policy outcome


The Rio Grande Foundation tends to not focus on New Mexico’s Land Commissioner very much. They have one primary job which is to keep the revenue from oil and gas on state lands flowing to beneficiaries including the poor-performing K-12 school system. Thus, our philosophy on Land Commissioner has been hands off as commissioners have usually adhered to a revenue maximization philosophy.

Until now.  According to the Albuquerque Journal, “Garcia Richard said she would support a temporary moratorium on fracking permits for the oil industry on state trust land as a way to force the Legislature to boost New Mexico royalty rates to match Texas’ rates, an idea that has stalled in recent sessions at the Roundhouse.” Notably, Texas has the highest royalty rates, so Garcia Richard is hoping to match the highest rate, not a middle-ground royalty rate at 25%. In New Mexico, the royalty rate for production on state lands is as high as 20% and royalties in the Permian Basin spanning Texas-New Mexico and North Dakota Bakken Basin range from 18–20% while many western states charge royalties of 16.67 percent.

New Mexico charges it’s high gross receipts taxes on equipment and production of oil and gas. There are numerous other fees and charges (by both states) that make direct comparisons difficult. But if Garcia Richard can make the case that tax burdens on oil and gas production are much lower than in Texas (and other states) and could be raised without doing great harm to the industry, that would be a worthwhile discussion. Holding the New Mexico Legislature “hostage” in an effort to force them to pass a bill desired by the Land Commissioner is a step too far.
Plugging New Mexico's oil and gas wells could create thousands of jobs

Tipping Point NM episode 446: Brian Domitrovic – Taxes Have Consequences


On this week’s interview Paul talks to Brian Domitrovic a scholar with the Laffer Institute about his new book, “Taxes Have Consequences: the definitive history of the income tax on the economy.”

Paul and Brian talk about Arthur Laffer and the basics of the Laffer Curve. They move on to a history of the income tax in the United States and how various presidents (and congresses) either improved or destroyed the American economy through their various income taxation policies. We also discuss how states can and should improve their own economic situations by completely eliminating income taxation.

Song parody roasts MLG


John Kiesling is New Mexico’s own version of “Weird Al” Yankovich. Here’s his latest satirical parody of Alan Menken’s “Friend Like Me,” from “Aladdin,” about our high-handed, condescending, would-be ruler.

At the start of COVID, Kiesling did a hilarious parody of MLG’s power-hungry form of “leadership.”

John is not just a talented parody songwriter. He had a good grasp on the science early on. Our podcast with him was recorded in August of 2020.

Tipping Point NM episode 445: Important Issues on the Ballot, Early In-Person Voting Starts October 22, Talk of Raising Taxes


On this week’s conversation Paul and Wally note that early voting at county clerks offices kicks off today. Early in-person voting begins on October 22nd. In order to inform people about some of the items on the ballot they do a “deep dive” into important issues on the ballot that average New Mexicans may not know or understand the implications of. If you or your friends and family members have questions about everything from judges to bond measures to constitutional amendments, this is YOUR episode!

Paul specifically wants voters to beware of Amendment 2. 

Some interesting migration trends are uncovered in the Allied Van Lines report (such as where Californians are moving). 

New Mexico Democrats are talking seriously about raising taxes in January. Paul and Wally discuss.

Fact checking the education fact-checkers in governor’s race


KRQE Channel 13 offers the following “fact check” regarding the education agendas of Mark Ronchetti and Michelle Lujan Grisham. We have previously stated that MLG has no plan for education. Ronchetti’s plan is highly detailed and can be found here.  MLG’s campaign website discusses education here.

KRQE largely reiterates the claims made by Ronchetti about the myriad failures of the Lujan Grisham Administration in the area of education. When KRQE asks MLG’s campaign about her plans for education Delaney Corcoran is quoted as saying, “the Governor does have a plan, the plan is to continue making investments in education across the state.”

Fair enough. As the Albuquerque Journal noted in a recent editorial, despite MLG increasing spending by 1/3rd ($1 billion in a few short years) New Mexico has not “moved the needle” on education results.  So, MLG has a “plan,” but that plan has already been tried AND FAILED. Continuing to spend more money is not much of a plan, right? FACT CHECK: TRUE


RGF’s Gessing talks constitutional amendments w/ KOAT Channel 7


RGF’s president Paul Gessing sat down with KOAT Channel 7 to discuss two of the constitutional amendments that will be on New Mexicans’ ballots when they vote this fall.

Constitutional Amendment 1 would tap into New Mexico’s Land Grant Permanent Fund. Gessing’s appearance is toward the end of the clip.

A separate KOAT segment addressed Amendment 2 which would allow the Legislature to spend taxpayer dollars on infrastructure projects that would expressly benefit private interests.  Here is our detailed assessment of Amendment 2.

New Mexico’s poor public sector labor laws


The Commonwealth Foundation is the larger, Pennsylvania-based version of the Rio Grande Foundation, a free market think tank.

They recently produced a study (you can read it here) of state public bargaining laws. With the 2018 Janus decision by the US Supreme Court to end forced unionism for government workers, government employees have experienced an undisputed increase in freedom, but “Right to Work” is  one of many state-level laws impacting worker freedom. Unfortunately (but unsurprisingly) New Mexico’s Democratic dominance has led to policies that are VERY beneficial to government employee unions.

The Commonwealth Foundation gives New Mexico a “D-” while UT, OK, and CO all achieve “C” scores. AZ is a “B” and TX is “A+.” In addition to labor laws written in favor of government unions New Mexico has bloated government which further gives the unions power and consumes human resources that could otherwise be used in the private sector.

A conservative looks (down) the New Mexico ballot


If you’re looking for the merits and demerits of the various candidates for governor and attorney general, there are plenty of other posts on this page or podcasts at We’re here to discuss the so-called “down-ballot” or lower-profile issues before voters this November. In person early voting at the county clerk’s office begins Tuesday, October 11 while early voting sites open on Saturday, October 22nd.

JUDGES: without putting too fine a point on it, New Mexico’s judiciary is in need of a massive overhaul. It is one of the primary bodies responsible for the States horrendous crime problems. Currently, New Mexico’s Supreme Court is 100% Democrat with 4 of the 5 having been nominated by Gov. Lujan Grisham (only Michael Vigil who was elected in 2018 and faces retention this election was NOT appointed by MLG).

There are numerous other Metro Court and other positions, most of which are unopposed, but there are retention elections and those are VERY IMPORTANT. In New Mexico a judge must must receive at least 57% of the vote. So, it IS possible for voters outraged by deteriorating public safety conditions to push back against the judiciary in hopes of getting better judges on the bench.

In terms of constitutional amendments Amendment 1 would tap into New Mexico’s Land Grant Permanent Fund to create a host of early childhood programs, but most significantly universal pre-K. RGF has written extensively on the serious problems with this proposal here and here (for starters).

Amendment 2 would allow the Legislature to fund infrastructure projects for PRIVATE benefit. We have serious concerns about this proposal.

Amendment 3 would require that an appointed judge shall be up for election at the first general election one year after being appointed. At the election, the winning candidate would serve the remainder of the term in effect. This amendment actually gives nominated judges an opportunity to consolidate control over their seat before appearing on the ballot which may be of concern.

Bernalillo County voters are being asked to amend the County charter. After some difficulty finding out exactly what changes would be made we reached out to the County. You can read for yourself here what it would do (this information is not on the actual ballot). We have no problem with the amendment.

As a general rule we recommend voting against ALL bonds, not because all of them are bad or wasteful, but because local voters have a tendency to blindly vote YES on nearly all bonds. Bonds are simply government debt which must be paid off by your property tax dollars. Broadly speaking voters should be more careful about these, but bonds are almost never voted down at least in the Albuquerque metro area (this may not be the case in other areas of the State, so vote accordingly).

Candidates for Bernalillo County Sheriff - The Independent


Allied Van Lines data: trend of Americans migrating to red states, fleeing “blue” states accelerated in 2021


The latest Allied Van Lines report which highlights where people are moving to and from is out. You can see the map below. All six of the states Americans moved TO in great numbers were “red” states with 3 of the 6 most popular lacking a personal income tax (Texas, Tennessee, and Florida).

On the other hand, all six states that saw the most outbound traffic were “blue” states (CA, IL, MI, PA, NY, NJ, and MD).

The same report highlighted the number of Californians leaving their state (a few data points below). For better or worse, New Mexico is NOT a leading destination for Californians. Four of the five cities that ARE destinations for Californians are in zero-income tax states. The other is Phoenix, AZ.

  • In 2021, California was the second-highest outbound state (66% of moves in California were outbound)
  • California has been in the top 10 outbound states for the last 5 years
  • Los Angeles was the 5th top outbound city (out of the entire country)

Where Are Californians Moving To?

Tipping Point NM episode 444: Lindsey Burke – Education Freedom Report Card


On this week’s interview Paul talks to Lindsey Burke, PhD of the Heritage Foundation. Lindsey has been a long-time researcher and advocate for education choice and she and her team recently published the Heritage Foundation’s “Education Freedom Report Card.” Paul and Lindsey discuss New Mexico’s performance on the Index and what could be done to improve it. Also, they discuss the policies that make some states leaders in educational freedom and what “blue” states like New Mexico are or can do to improve educational freedom.

The map below (from the report) contains a link to the report and there is a link above as well.

New Mexico doesn’t need higher taxes…on alcohol or anything else


Despite having no less than $2.5 billion in surplus revenue next year when the Legislature convenes, New Mexico Democrats are making noise about raising taxes on alcohol.

Currently, New Mexico’s alcohol taxes are right in the middle when it comes to US states. So, why would legislators want to raise taxes? A report from New Mexico Indepth released earlier this year included all manner of harrowing statistics including those below.

Various studies purport to show that raising alcohol taxes is the best way to address alcohol abuse, but higher taxes are a blunt instrument indeed. It would seem that before penalizing ALL alcohol users in New Mexico for the behavior of a few that we might want some analysis of WHY New Mexico has such serious alcohol problems in the first place.

Clearly, New Mexico’s overall taxes on alcohol which are right in the middle of the pack don’t explain the situation. Neighboring Colorado and Texas have the 2nd and 3rd lowest tax burdens on alcohol in the nation and are not experiencing the same problems as New Mexico (according to the study).

Tipping Point NM Episode 443: Debate Analysis, Ronchetti at UPS, NEE and PNM/Avangrid, CA outlaws gas heat


KOB TV Debate wrap up and discussion;

Further breakdown of the ABQ Journal responses of both candidates.

MLG rescinds order relating to public health used in Ronchetti ad.

RGF makes news due to Governor candidate Mark Ronchetti’s visit to UPS facility. RGF weighs in.

A local Starbucks votes to unionize.

There is zero evidence the recent hurricane to hit Florida is the result of global warming; In fact, the end of August saw the development of NO named storms. There were no tropical storms or hurricanes in the month of August in 1961 (pre-satellite era) and 1997.

Credit where credit is due to the New Energy Economy on PNM/Avangrid merger.

As NM shuts down coal plants to defeat climate change, China builds MUCH more.

California Air Resources Board to prohibit natural gas heaters/furnaces (will MLG follow suit if elected?).

This fall, New Mexico voters should watch out for Constitutional Amendment 2


Most of the attention on non-candidate measures on this fall’s ballot will be on the plan to tap one of New Mexico’s oil and gas-generated “permanent funds” to provide pre-K and other early childhood programs.

But, voters should be aware of and concerned over proposed Amendment 2 on their ballots.

If adopted, the Amendment would add (another) exception to the state’s anti-donation clause to authorize the Legislature to appropriate state funds for infrastructure that provides “essential services.” The amendment defines essential services as “infrastructure that allows internet, energy, water, wastewater or other services provided by law.”

The State already provides various subsidies for broadband and other “utilities,” but the anti-donation clause simply prohibits government paying to directly provide such services to people. In other words, if adopted, there is no limit on who taxpayer dollars could be handed over to and there is very little restricting what could be done with those dollars. For example, your tax money could be used to build a road or water line on private property, with the road and water line then owned by the property owner, not the state.

You can read additional pro/con arguments (on all three amendments) provided by the Legislature here. Here is an article from the Albuquerque Journal.

What you should know about the proposed 2020 New Mexico amendments

OPEC cuts production, oil prices see bump (analysis)


Today, the global cartel (OPEC) that controls much of the world’s oil production, decided to reduce oil production (contrary to Biden Administration wishes). OPEC is notorious for member states “cheating” on these limits, but prices DID jump on Wednesday meaning that this is a credible reduction in OPEC production.

Here’s what it all means:

1) After declining for several months, it is unlikely that gas prices will drop before the election. In fact, they could rise which is a political liability for the Biden Administration and Democrats.

2) OPEC cutting production further reinforces New Mexico’s already-strong surplus for the upcoming legislative session. While New Mexico’s oil boom is driven by production increases, recent price declines COULD have started to bite into that $2.5 billion surplus. That is unlikely to happen unless the US/global economy.

3) As we noted recently, while the Biden Administration has attempted to take credit for recent price reductions at the pump, oil and gas permitting on federal lands has been virtually nil. This could have longer term implications for New Mexico which is more dependent than any other state on federal leasing.

OPEC+ to consider oil cut of over than 1 million barrels per day | Reuters

Rank and file vs. union brass


Recently, New Mexico GOP candidate Mark Ronchetti spoke to a group of United Parcel Service (UPS) workers at a facility in Rio Rancho. This is usually the kind of thing that happens dozens or hundreds of times throughout a given campaign, but (as I note in the story above), Ronchetti was treading into “enemy” territory.

Why is that? UPS is a heavily unionized company and unions jealously attempt to protect those votes on behalf of the Democratic Party. This is true despite the fact that union members often vote for non-Democrats. NPR commented during the 2016 cycle about Donald Trump’s support among Teamsters.

Another interesting article (see chart below) from a pro-union website show union members to be MORE Republican than other union-oriented households. Naturally, the Teamsters brass was NOT amused that their memberships had a chance to hear a non-Democrat candidate share his message, but winning political races involves reaching out to those who don’t automatically plan to vote for you.

Union political activity contradicting their members’ views was a key issue in the Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision and it should drive states to enact Right to Work laws nationwide.

California follows Sen. Heinrich’s playbook, bans natural gas heaters/furnaces


A few days ago, New Mexico’s radical leftist Senator (again) hopped on his favorite hobby horse (complete electrification of your home through the elimination of things like gas water heaters and furnaces.

You can see his email below. But, the BIG news this week is California (fresh off banning gasoline cars despite not having enough electricity to keep the lights on) is now following Heinrich’s lead by banning natural gas water heaters and furnaces. This is being done (as was the gasoline car ban) by an unelected board.

Would MLG do the same thing here if reelected? One hopes this might be a topic of discussion in one of these debates. The New Mexico media seem patently unwilling to ask her these questions or where were are going to get the electricity from.

Tipping Point Episode 442: Casey & Micayle Petersen – Sandia National Labs Whistle Blower/Freedom Families United


On this week’s interview Paul sits down with Casey and Micayle Petersen. Together they are the founders of Freedom Families United. At the outset Paul and Casey discuss his term at Sandia National Lab during which he blew the whistle on Critical Race Theory indoctrination. He ultimately left the Lab due to its COVID vaccine mandate.

Now, the couple has created Freedom Families United which works to unite pro-freedom families and educate them on the forces undermining individual liberty in New Mexico and around the nation.

The pros and cons of hydrogen and hydrogen hubs in New Mexico


RGF’s Paul Gessing recently had the chance to sit down with two experts in the oil and gas industry who have different takes on plans (put forth by Gov. Lujan Grisham and supported by some in the Legislature and some in industry) for hydrogen and hydrogen hubs.

We at the Rio Grande Foundation had lots of questions and wanted to hear both sides of the issue. You can do the same with the interviews posted below. In support is George Sharpe of Merrion Oil and Gas based in Farmington.

In opposition is Larry Scott a Republican legislator and industry executive from Hobbs.