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Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 183: China – Firsthand View of the Culture and Politics with David Young (also virtual learning and teaching)


On this week’s episode, Paul interviews David Young who describes himself as a speaker, performance coach, and community leader. David is originally from Columbus, OH, but lives in New Mexico now and runs a consulting business called Being Wholehearted.

A young man, David lived in China a few years back and the two discuss Chinese culture and politics fairly extensively including aspects of the current Coronavirus outbreak.

Then, Paul and David discuss the power of virtual learning and how that tool can be used effectively not just in times of pandemic crisis, but also as a time-saving but effective learning tool.

Now more than ever, parents are in charge of their child’s learning


Imagine being THIS Governor. Just a few weeks ago she was touting all manner of new government programs as part of a downright Orwellian “cradle to career” proposals.  Today this same Gov. Lujan Grisham canceled one of the supposedly core functions of state government (provision of an “adequate education” is in the State of New Mexico Constitution) for the rest of the year.

The order doesn’t impact virtual charters schools like New Mexico Connections Academy (full disclosure, I’m on the board of that school), but I have two kids in traditional public schools, so my wife and I are about to become full-fledged teachers.

In fact, this shut-down exposes the reality that, while we pay a great deal of money (more than $18,000 annually for APS) the reality is that (no matter their education levels) parents are ultimately responsible for their child’s learning. The good news is that there are more options for students than ever before. Schools are supposed to provide resources, but Khan Academy is great. There are numerous other options here.

If you live in an area that doesn’t have great Internet service, that can be a challenge. Hopefully you have books and other reading materials and textbooks.  These are not easy times. It would be great to see a more diverse, market based education system ultimately operating outside of state control that could come up with innovative solutions to these challenges. But, for now, we are all home schoolers.

CDC Says Early School Day Is Bad for Kids. Is Homeschool the ...

Coronavirus Plan: how to balance the (FY 2021) State budget


The FY 2021 budget begins on July 1. The budget passed in the 2020 legislative session which wrapped up in February. Total spending contained in the budget amounted to $7.6 billion. Gov. Lujan Grisham vetoed $50 million worth of infrastructure spending as concerns mounted over the budget mounted, but a combination of low oil prices and drastically slowing economic growth will lead to spending at far lower levels than those in place today.

In an effort to put forth some real, specific ideas to address New Mexico’s looming budget shortfall, here are some ideas for legislators and Gov. Lujan Grisham to consider in a special session dealing with the FY 2021 budget.

For starters, the focus needs to be on spending cuts. Tax hikes during this time of economic crisis are simply unacceptable.

  1. The early childhood fund created by House Bill 83 which is otherwise expected to receive $320 million this year should be put on hold.
  2. “Free” college will have to be canceled for a savings of $27 million (between the $17 million directly appropriated for the program and the $10 million allocated to the Lottery Scholarship program.
  3. Under the FY 2021  budget most State employees are expected to receive 4 percent pay raises.  This comes on top of raises passed the previous year. Cabinet secretaries received 17% pay raises in 2019. In a time of shared sacrifice with some economists from the Federal Reserve predicting unemployment rates of 30% this is a simple way to save $179 million.
  4. Film subsidies as expanded in SB 2 in 2019 could cost New Mexico up to $110 million annually.  The cost to New Mexicans of these subsidies should be eliminated or at least reduced.
  5. Infrastructure is a core function of government. $50 million in badly-needed infrastructure spending was vetoed by the Gov. due to budget concerns from this session. It is time to eliminate or rework New Mexico’s Davis-Bacon prevailing wage law to get more bang for our infrastructure bucks and put more New Mexicans back to work in the trades.
  6. According to the Legislative Finance Committee operating the New Mexico Rail Runner costs $33 million annually. The train has been shut down due to the virus. Shutting it down permanently or at least for the duration of this crisis would save scarce resources.


Victory!: Mayor Keller Pauses Plastic Bag Ban for 30 days (also RGF makes the NY Times)


Businesses are allowed plastic bags for their customers, City will suspend enforcement of the plastic bag ban.

This afternoon Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller released an announcement that for the next 30 days, businesses will be allowed to use any type of plastic bag for their customers and the City will suspend enforcement of the plastic bag ban.

This announcement comes hot on the heels of the Rio Grande Foundation’s fact-based recommendations to eliminate plastic bag bans, at least for the duration of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 outbreak.

See our original article: Is there a worse idea in this time of Coronavirus than Pat Davis’s plan to “more fully” ban plastic bags?

Earlier this month, Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis’s made comments on expanding the city’s ban on plastic bags. These comments are completely out of touch, especially in this time of Coronavirus.

Instead of pushing to make the plastic bag ban even more onerous and aggressive, the Rio Grande Foundation recommended that Councilor Davis, Mayor Keller, and the Bernalillo County Commission should ALL reconsider their bag bans… at least for the duration of this public health emergency.

I could not be more pleased to announce that we were successful. We thank Mayor Keller for recognizing the problem and working with our recommendations to cease the bag ban.

These are good solutions, and coming together just like this will help us beat and soundly defeat the Coronavirus and COVID-19. New Mexico is coming together against this common enemy.

And, while covering the issue the New York Times lived down to its reputation for left-wing hackery by covering our efforts, but of course spending all their time talking about the Koch Brothers who to our knowledge have no interest in plastic bags and certainly haven’t funded our work on the issue.

Coronavirus Plan: how to balance the (FY 2020) State budget


New Mexico faces unprecedented budgetary challenges in light of both the Coronavirus outbreak and dramatic restrictions on business and travel activities as well as the dramatic declines in the price of a barrel of oil. We have previously listed some ideas for dealing with the crisis here. 

The suggestions here deal with the budget year that we are currently operating under. until the end of June. It was passed in 2019. Very quickly, New Mexico has gone from having massive budget surpluses to facing big cuts and relative “austerity” in the years ahead.

The good news is that oil and gas revenues were strong most of that fiscal year. The Gov. and relevant agencies should be able to pull back on funds that have not been spent from the past fiscal year including from shut down government including the K-12 system and support for the higher ed system (not including staff pay) because their operations have been shut down. Those are pretty simple cuts, but they likely won’t be enough.

Government employee pay raises passed during fat economic times of 2019 MUST be considered for significant reduction or elimination. As a reminder, state workers received 4% pay increases. A 6% raise was authorized for all public school staff with some teachers receiving raises above that level. APS employees including the Superintendent received 11% raises at the start of this school year. 

We are ALL facing challenges right now, surely generous government employee pay raises passed in fat economic times should be considered for elimination. While laying off government employees is not ideal at this time it IS definitely worth reconsidering big pay raises passed in better economic times.

Unspent subsidies for the Rail Runner and film (both of which are shut down) as well as capital outlay dollars should be considered as pools of money to draw from in the current fiscal year.

In our next post we’ll look at the FY 2021 budget which starts on July 1. That is where the real budgetary action and decision making is going to be.



Tipping Point NM Episode 182: How Coronavirus is Affecting New Mexico, Gov. asks courts to drop Yazzie suit, and RGF sues City of Albuquerque


On this week’s episode, Paul and Wally provide a Coronavirus update. Which states have quarantines active? Where are things heading with the stock market and oil prices? What about New Mexico Republicans pushing for a special session?

The Lujan Grisham Administration supported the Yazzie v. Martinez suit as long as there was plenty of money available to spend on K-12. Now it looks like New Mexico is heading into a budget shortfall. It is asking the courts to drop Yazzie v. Martinez. Why now? Is this simply a nod to budgetary reality?

Based on its own ideas as well as some crowdsourced thoughts, the Rio Grande Foundation has a few ideas for Gov. Lujan Grisham to consider in this time of crisis.

RGF files a lawsuit against the City of Albuquerque arguing that city councilors violated open meeting laws.

We’re living the “Green New Deal” right now Wally and Paul discuss why.

Despite plenty of evidence (and news from both Maine and New York which have put their bans on hold) neither the City of Albuquerque nor Bernalillo County are acting to suspend or repeal their plastic bag bans.

In New Hampshire the governor issued an emergency order banning reusable bags, requiring stores to use plastic or paper instead,

The NM Grocers Association wants temporary repeal of bag ban.

A few ideas for Gov. Lujan Grisham to consider in this time of crisis (revised and expanded with input)


With the economic challenge facing New Mexico in this crisis, here are a few small ideas for getting back to work and prioritizing what matters in these challenging times. The Rio Grande Foundation produced its original list of specific ideas and then reached out to the public online for additional ideas.

The full list which is being sent to Gov. Lujan Grisham is below.

  • Waive increases in unemployment insurance costs under the State’s formula. Consider rescinding the 4% raise given to public employees and used for that purpose.
  • Request a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver to eliminate burdensome rules with regard to Medicaid (Florida was just approved fort the first one in this emergency);
  • Allow full licensing reciprocity for qualified medical personnel from other states;
  • Relax occupational licensing rules and regulations so people can work. Giving haircuts in your home for money shouldn’t be a crime;
  • Suspend business licensing rules that interfere with solo or very small startups;
  • Re-purpose money from film subsidies (the industry, like most, has shut down in the State for now) and Rail Runner operations (the train is shut down as well) to health related initiatives;
  • Give state tax breaks to businesses that are able to continue to pay employees through shutdowns;
  • Instead of landlords shouldering the burden of unpaid rent, let the tenants pay with a form that provides the necessary documentation then allow the landlord to fully deduct that amount from his/her property taxes in the future. Government could even reimburse directly then deal with the back payments itself if it requires back payments.
  • Delay collection of property taxes since many are going to lose jobs or lose salaries for awhile.
  • Facilitate the transfer of workers being laid of from restaurants to be transferred, temporarily, to help out the food chain, like grocery stores stocking shelves, and unloading trucks for example. The State could facilitate with leaders in the food sector to make it happen and to compensate for wage differences.
  • State government should place a moratorium on any new State regulations at least for the duration of the crisis.
  • The governor, should immediately eliminate the SS tax on seniors
  • Businesses which have been forced to close should not be required to pay ANY expenses including loan payments, utilities, rent and vendor invoices. Those payments should be absorbed by the state. The Land Grant Permanent Fund should be considered as a means of helping the State “backstop” these efforts.
  • Schools are closed for at least three weeks and may be closed for the rest of the school season. Funds devoted to that period of time should be diverted to relieve businesses that have been shut down by the State.
  • The Gov. and PED should work with virtual education providers to increase and improve education options for students in traditional public schools.
  • With the Four Corners already struggling and natural gas prices (a main economic driver of the area falling from already-depressed levels) the State of New Mexico must give Enchant Energy a chance to see if its carbon sequestration plans to keep San Juan Generating Station open (and people working at the Plant and mine) will work.
  • The Rail Runner is shut down. Now is the time to consider whether continuing this money-losing service is necessary.

Is the Gov. right in asking the courts to drop Yazzie v. Martinez?


The Lujan Grisham Administration has petitioned for dismissal of the Yazzie v. Martinez education funding suit. The Rio Grande Foundation has always been skeptical of this lawsuit so in many ways we support the Gov. in making this decision.

New Mexico already spends “adequately” (more per-student than any of its neighbors) but our education outcomes remain among the worst in the nation. So there are serious questions about the “adequacy” of our education system, but how much money is enough? What measurable outcomes would cause our system to be considered “adequate” by the courts? Perhaps, given the precipitous decline in oil prices (and likely the State budget) the Gov. is simply preparing for fiscal reality in future K-12 budgets.

At the Rio  Grande Foundation we have long supported broader school choice including improving our charter school law and allowing parents to direct education funding to private schools via tax credits or vouchers. Those are NOT among Gov. Lujan Grisham’s solutions.

So, should Yazzie be dismissed? Probably. Is New Mexico’s K-12 system “adequate?” Not really. But, the tools needed to make the system adequate really don’t require more money and we see no sign that this union-friendly Gov. will embrace choice as a means of making our system “adequate.”

Image result for yazzie v martinez




Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 181: Charles Sullivan – Guess The Blue State Fiasco


On this week’s podcast, Paul sat down with Charles Sullivan. An attorney, Charles moved to New Mexico from upstate New York several decades ago, largely for the weather. But, as you can read for yourself in his recent American Thinker column Charles is frustrated by the State’s politics and what he believes it has done to the State in terms of the overall economy, the education system, and crime.

Mr. Sullivan clearly loves New Mexico. He isn’t going anywhere, but he also has some tough love for the state he’s lived in for nearly 40 years.

We’re living the “Green New Deal” right now


Imagine,  massive reductions in vehicle traffic as this photo of “The 405” during a recent “rush hour” in Los Angeles illustrates.

View image on Twitter

Massive declines in air travel as flights are canceled and people refrain from air travel.

Image result for air travel coronavirus canceled

And even slower population growth (long a quiet goal of the environmental movement) due to as many as 1.6 million deaths.  That is obviously the reality we are living through right now due to the Coronavirus, but in many respects this is what environmental groups WANT to see happen as a means of reducing CO2 emissions.

Finally, while presidential candidate Joe Biden said recently that he wants to “ban new fracking”the fact is that due to dropping demand (see travel declines above) we may not see much fracking in the near future. Gas prices may be low, but New Mexico’s Permian Basin and oil producers across the nation are going to see massive reductions in jobs and states will see big declines in tax revenues. All of this is gleefully supported by radical environmentalists.

Less mobility, less economic growth, less freedom, and potentially even fewer people on the planet. For most of us it is an experience we are gritting our teeth and bearing while hoping it will end as soon as possible. For many in the environmental movement the current crisis is (at least temporarily) advancing their agenda of lower CO2 emissions.

Portrait of Thunberg at the European Parliament in 2020


Coronavirus highlights problems with plastic bag bans


This article appeared in the Albuquerque Journal on March 18, 2020.

Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis’s recent comments on expanding the city’s ban on plastic bags were out of touch, especially in this time of coronavirus.

The councilor recently said he wants to amend city law to get rid of plastic bags that are thicker than 2.25 thousandths of an inch. The thicker bags were exempted from the law for the simple reason they are considered “reusable,” but Davis thinks retailers and the public are abusing the situation and that it amounts to a “loophole.”

Davis recently stated, “If (retailers) keep bringing back new plastic bags, we’re going to keep banning them, and eventually they’ll get the message.” He anticipates the city will try to ban more bags this summer.

In the meantime, due to coronavirus concerns, major retailers are rightly emphasizing public safety above environmental concerns. Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks are just two of the largest companies that have disallowed the use of reusable cups due to health concerns.

Apparently Davis has no concern about the impact of the virus, which has disrupted all facets of American life. This isn’t mere hyperbole on my part. The problem with reusable cloth bags preferred by Davis and other opponents of plastic bags is real.

A 2018 report from Loma Linda University was based on an experiment in which researchers purposely “contaminated” a reusable bag with a harmless form of a virus. A single shopper then went through a typical grocery store, and the research team tracked the spread of the virus.

Quoting directly from the executive summary of the report, “The data show that MS2 spread to all surfaces touched by the shopper; the highest concentration occurred on the shopper’s hands, the checkout stand, and the clerk’s hands.”

Additionally in 2012 epidemiologists from the Oregon Public Health Division and Oregon Health & Science University published a peer reviewed article in the Journal of Infections Disease that documented a reusable grocery bag was the point source in an actual virus outbreak in the Pacific Northwest.

For years, people have simply believed that people will wash their bags. But recent runs on hand sanitizer and toilet paper show society doesn’t always act with balance. Loma Linda researches found only 3% of bags get washed. With companies prohibiting reusable cups as a precaution, we should at least temporarily suspend government-mandated use of reusable bags, a known and documented risk.

Far from “doubling down” on a plastic bag ban that is of dubious environmental benefit and may in fact be a threat to public health, Davis and the rest of Albuquerque’s City Council should consider ending the plastic bag ban at least until fears of the coronavirus subside. Of course, common colds, the flu and other illnesses are a constant threat, so the Loma Linda University study’s findings should be of concern to all of us.

Perhaps a more realistic assessment of the pluses and minuses of plastic bags and other items might be in order at City Council – and Bernalillo County which has an even more onerous plastic ban in place? We’re not holding our breath for an outbreak of sanity to occur alongside that of coronavirus, but we can hope and hold politicians like Davis accountable.

The Rio Grande Foundation is an independent, non-partisan, tax-exempt research and educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility.

Update: on the same day this article was published in the Journal, New York State put its plastic bag ban on hold for health reasons.

Rio Grande Foundation sues City of Albuquerque for Open Meetings Act Violations


(Albuquerque, NM) – On Friday, March 13, 2020, the City Council of the City of Albuquerque announced that it would be holding a closed meeting the following Monday, March 16, 2020. At that meeting which occurred this past Monday, the Council amended its Emergency Powers Ordinance which has been on the books for several decades.

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The Emergency Powers Ordinance contains numerous controversial provisions which, under New Mexico’s Open Meetings Act, residents of Albuquerque have a right to participate in with their members of the City Council.

The language of the Open Meetings Act is very simple. It states in part that, “…all meetings of any committee or policy-making body of the legislature held for the purpose of discussing public business or for the purpose of taking any action within the authority of or the delegated authority of the committee or body are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times.”

The Rio Grande Foundation asserts in the lawsuit which has been filed in New Mexico district court that the City has violated the New Mexico Open Meetings Act by holding a City Council meeting March 16, 2020 without proper notice and without conducting such according to the provisions of the Open Meetings Act therein violating the Due Process owing to the citizens of Albuquerque.

Furthermore, the decades-old Emergency Powers Ordinance to which several amendments were made is itself unconstitutional. The Ordinance gave the Mayor power to restrict sales of firearms and ammunition. These provisions which were not amended on Monday violate New Mexico’s Constitution, which states:

“No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.”

Said Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing, “The Rio Grande Foundation understands that we are in a crisis situation right now, but laws like the Open Meetings Act and our State and Federal protections on the right to self defense were intended for crises.”

The Foundation’s lawsuit states that both the Open Meetings Act and the long-existing firearms restrictions violate New Mexico Law and should be considered void.

Click Here to View the Complaint as Filed

Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 180: Impact of Coronavirus and Low Oil Prices on New Mexico


Paul and Wally give an update on the current situation: oil prices are close to $30. The Federal Reserve slashes interest rates to zero (rates were 1.75/1.5 at start of 2020).

While government is considering a number of “stimulus” measures, Paul and Wally wonder how government can stimulate the economy when Americans can’t really spend any money because virtually everything has been canceled?

Also, while traditional schools have been closed virtual options exist.

Paul and Wally address the State budget and what they expect to happen. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham vetoed a spending bill that would have appropriated $49.5 million to fund 216 road projects statewide, including funding for bike paths, safety enhancements and median landscaping in Albuquerque. Wally and Paul agree that a special session is still likely. When will/should it happen?

Does the virus justify mandatory paid sick leave? If so, what kind of leave policy?

Pat Davis wants to crack down on plastic bags. Could there be a worse idea?

Finally, channel 13 covers our successful complaint against Mayor Keller’s use of City website to campaign for Democracy Dollars:

RGF recently hosted successful Liberty on the Rocks in Albuquerque and Las Cruces.

RGF in the news on ABQ Emergency ordinance and small business impacts of virus outbreak


We at the Rio Grande Foundation remain busy and active in this trying time and we also are working to keep government accountable and push back against government overreach. Here in Albuquerque an ordinance was passed that expands the Mayor’s powers to include times of health emergencies. This ordinance was passed very quickly and without a single public meeting on the issue and that concerns us.

But, thanks to State laws now in place, local ordinances dealing with guns and liquor provisions in the local ordinance that existed prior to its being amended last night WILL NOT impact gun rights.  See our analysis here. 

This story (in which RGF’s Paul Gessing is quoted) from KOB 4 TV deals with the ordinance prior to it being voted on:

This story which does not include video quotes RGF after the vote.

This story for which Gessing was quoted discusses the economic impacts of what is happening right now.

Finally, you ‘ll note that the video of Mr. Gessing is not in the usual setting. KOB TV requested a Skype interview due to virus concerns.

Analysis: City of Albuquerque Passes Expanded Emergency Powers Ordinance


At last night’s (Monday’s) Albuquerque City Council meeting the Council passed this ordinance which expands the Mayor’s emergency powers. Among the specific provisions was an expansion of when these powers can be used. Here is the language, “[An actual or eminent outbreak, or reasonable threat of an actual or eminent outbreak, of any infectious disease that presents an unusual threat to the health or safety of the residents of the City, or threatens to unreasonably strain the medical or emergency service resources available in the City.”

The ordinance goes on to allow the Mayor to do the following:

(C) Order the closing of all retail package liquor stores and outlets.

(D) Order the closing of all bars and other establishments selling intoxicating liquor or beer by the drink.

(E) Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing or giving away gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products in any container other than a gasoline tank properly affixed to a motor vehicle said sale to be limited to not more than one gallon per motor vehicle, or in the alternative, order the closing of gasoline stations and other establishments, the chief activity of which is the sale, distribution or dispensing of liquid flammable or combustible products.

(F) Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away of any firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever, or in the alternative, order the closing of all establishments or portions thereof where arms and/or ammunition are kept for sale or distribution.

So, how does the City claim that the expanded ordinance “Does not allow the prohibition of sales of any item during a public health emergency.”

Simply put, the regulation of guns/ammo and liquor are preempted by the State of New Mexico and State laws supersede local laws. At least as it currently stands, these provisions of the expanded ordinance cannot take effect.

Of course, the existence of a national abortion policy (Roe v. Wade) has not stopped advocates on both sides of the abortion issue from having heated public debates over a 1969 New Mexico law which restricts abortion.

It would seem that many of these concerns and problems could have been avoided if City Council had taken some time to formulate this policy rather than introducing a bill on Friday and passing it on Monday in a meeting that was closed to the public.

Albuquerque City Council to consider major expansion of “emergency powers” tonight


Rahm Emmanuel once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

The Albuquerque City Council is considering a “new” ordinance (actually amending its existing ordinance) to dramatically expand the powers of the Mayor to regulate or outright ban certain activities including public meetings and assemblies in times of civil unrest or potential civil unrest (or threatened epidemics).

The City ALREADY has a broad ordinance on the books which allows the Mayor to “Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away of any firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever, or in the alternative, order the closing of all establishments or portions thereof where arms and/or ammunition are kept for sale or distribution.”

The new version would expand those powers to allow for the Mayor to act in “An actual or eminent outbreak, or reasonable threat of an actual or eminent outbreak, of any infectious disease that presents an unusual threat to the health or safety of the residents of the City, or threatens to unreasonably strain the medical or emergency service resources available in the City.

The entire ordinance (which is currently the information that is not underlined or struck, that is the new material) is pretty aggressive. Do we want the Mayor to be able to take on a lot of new powers due to the “reasonable threat of an ’eminent’ outbreak?” It is a big question. There has been zero public debate or discussion on the issue and it will be voted on at the Council meeting the evening of Monday, March 16.

Because of said epidemic public comment is NOT being done in person at the meeting Monday night. Instead, you can use the following link specifically for this meeting to contact your City Councilors to let them know what you think.

Image result for emergency government power

KRQE Channel 13 covers RGF’s successful ethics complaint against Mayor Tim Keller


Can elected officials use taxpayer-funded websites to campaign for and against local ballot measures? That’s what Mayor Keller’s Administration did using the City of Albuquerque’s website in the November 2019 election and the Rio Grande Foundation called “foul” and filed a complaint against the Mayor.

We won. Channel 13 covered the situation in the story below:

Is there a worse idea in this time of Coronavirus than Pat Davis’s plan to “more fully” ban plastic bags?


Just a few days ago Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis told local media outlets that he was planning to “close a loophole” in the City’s plastic bag ban which took effect this year. Davis wants the Mayor to get rid of plastic bags that are thicker than 2.25 thousandths of an inch. The thicker bags were exempted from the law for the simple reason that they are considered “reusable.”

Instead of mandating “reusable” products, retailers (like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts) concerned about potential health implications of reusable items are banning them. Davis cares about politics whereas the retailers are doing what is sensible.

The problem in this age of Coronavirus is that Davis’ preferred reusable bags are KNOWN vectors for viruses in grocery stores. Don’t take my word for it, check out this report from Loma Linda University.

A 2018 report from Loma Linda University was based on an experiment in which researchers purposely “contaminated” a reusable bag with a harmless form of a virus. A single shopper then went through a typical grocery store and the research team tracked the spread of the virus.

Quoting directly from the executive summary of the report, “The data show that MS2 spread to all surfaces touched by the shopper; the highest concentration occurred on the shopper’s hands, the checkout stand, and the clerk’s hands.” The graphic below which was taken directly from the report reflects this.

Instead of pushing to make the plastic bag ban even more onerous and aggressive, Councilor Davis, Mayor Keller, and Bernalillo County Commission should ALL reconsider their bag bans…at least for the duration of this public health emergency.

Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 179: Jason Espinoza – Small Business and 2020 New Mexico Legislature


On this week’s interview, Paul talks to Jason Espinoza. Jason is the New Mexico State Director for the National Federation of Independent Businesses. The organization and the interests of small businesses are in line with the Rio Grande Foundation, but what issues/bills did Jason and his members target this session?

Health care, in particular, is of concern to small business groups. What, if anything, happened in the Legislature on that and other small business issues?

One-on-One with Jason Espinoza

Does Coronavirus justify mandatory paid sick leave?


With the onset of the Coronavirus outbreak there has been an increasingly-loud outcry for mandatory paid sick leave. This is of course a policy that the Rio Grande Foundation opposed when it was voted on in a 2017 referendum the City of Albuquerque. A proposal for mandatory paid sick leave was proposed in the 2020 Legislature, but it died without significant discussion or debate.

Should the US, New Mexico, or city/county governments impose mandatory paid sick leave? Before answering that question, it is notable that major corporations including Wal Mart, the Darden restaurant chain (Red Lobster, Olive Garden), and  McDonald’s have recently adopted new paid sick leave policies to deal with the outbreak.

The private sector, especially big corporations, are definitely reacting to the Virus and trying to protect their employees and customers alike.

As with so many economic regulations, we at the Rio Grande Foundation are not fans of blanket federal proposals. However, state level proposals to mandate paid sick leave during a public health emergency, including the current threat would appear to be a reasonable compromise. Attempts to shove mandatory paid sick leave through just because you have wanted that policy in place for years is simply overreach.

Assuming that there is a clearly-defined way to ensure that a public health emergency is not adopted indefinitely (as the left attempted with the food stamp waivers) it would seem like that is a reasonable compromise. We’ll see. Lots happening these days.

Image result for coronavirus sick

Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 178: Economic Havoc in New Mexico, Freedom Index and HB 364


With everything going on in the US and the world right now including the Coronavirus panic, the Democratic primaries, plunging stock market, and oil price collapse, what does it all mean for New Mexico and its economy (not to mention the US economy)? Paul and Wally take a thoughtful and reasonable approach to the long list of issues playing havoc with the economy.

We are giving our “awards” to the best performers in our Freedom Index. Wally and Paul discuss who the top performers are.—

Gov. Lujan Grisham signs HB 364 (the union giveaway bill) despite concerns expressed by transparency/good government groups.

Las Cruces Public Schools hires left-wing activist to promote “equity:”

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RGF wins ethics complaint against Mayor Tim Keller over use of City website for Electoral Advocacy


In last November’s election the Rio Grande Foundation noticed that Mayor Tim Keller had put a message on the City’s website calling on voters to support the various bond measures and Democracy Dollars. The Rio Grande Foundation has had long standing concerns over government’s use of tax dollars to lobby the public for even more of our tax dollars. So, when we saw the complaint we filed an ethics complaint against Mayor Keller.

Recently, we WON! You can find the Agreement here. The text of the agreement is found in the image below. In it Keller admits he was wrong and that he will not use the website to campaign in the future. While this victory against Mayor Keller won’t completely solve the issue which is a problem at all levels of government, it is an important step towards limiting City of Albuquerque government’s use of your tax dollars to plead for even more of your money. We remain vigilant on this important issue.

The actual posting by Keller that was made on the City’s website prior to the November election can be found below: