Errors of Enchantment

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Sen. Joshua Sanchez receives top Freedom Index marks in New Mexico Legislature followed by Sharer, Schmedes


Throughout the 2023 New Mexico legislative session we at the Rio Grande Foundation have been tracking the Legislature’s votes on various economic, education, and constitutional issues from a pro-freedom perspective via our Freedom Index. Bills receive scores anywhere from -8 to +8 depending on the overall impact of the legislation. Legislators are assigned points as floor votes are taken. Alas, we cannot rate committee votes.

You can find a spreadsheet detailing all the votes included in the index here.

We are pleased to announce that freshman Senator Joshua Sanchez of Belen but representing a sprawling district that goes all the way to the Arizona border, won the top prize with a score of 75. Sen. Bill Sharer was second with a score of 72 and Sen. Schmedes representing an Albuquerque-area district in the East Mountains was third with a score of 70.

Tipping Point NM episode 490: Freedom Index Results, David Abbey from LFC Retires, NM Taxpayer ROI, Parental Rights in Public Schools and more


Alamogordo’s own Rep. John Block took home the top prize in our Freedom Index this year. Paul and Wally discuss some of the other results and trends. Paul and Wally also discuss the departure of David Abbey from the LFC and the hole that he leaves.

According to a new Wallethub report New Mexico taxpayers get a terrible return on investment.

Yes, the Biden Administration really was trying to ban gas stoves. Sen. Martin Heinrich claims to oppose “dark money,” but he is also a leading supporter of the “dark money” group “Rewiring America.”  

A hidden video captures school board trainer Andrew Sanchez pushing against “parental rights” and instead arguing that “parental rights end when you decide to send your kid to public school.”

Paul and Wally have talked about this anti-donation clause issue. Now, it is clear that the turf was ONLY to be used by the Gladiators football team. The indoor soccer team playing in the same arena is NOT allowed to use the turf.

Latest Wallethub report: New Mexicans bear heavy tax burdens (despite great oil wealth)


A new report from Wallethub finds that New Mexicans bear the 14th-highest burden among US states. Amazingly, this is true despite the fact that 40% of New Mexico’s budget is generated from oil and gas revenues and Wallethub DID NOT include oil and gas revenues among those borne by New Mexicans.

Given this astonishing figure one MIGHT expect that New Mexico’s Legislature would have focused like a laser on reducing those tax burdens during the recently-completed 2023 session which saw the State blessed with a $3.6 billion surplus. Sadly, the tax bill passed by the Legislature is a mess of conflicting tax hikes and tax cuts that fail to address New Mexico’s economic needs or the needs of its citizens for broad-based tax relief. Even the bill’s welcome gross receipts reductions are phased in over several years and are contingent on the state generating historically-high tax revenues.

A few of the Wallethub report’s charts can be found below:

Source: WalletHub

Fundamentally, New Mexico’s spending is far too high and has grown rapidly in recent years. 

Freedom Index results released, Rep. John Block takes top prize, Rep. Pettigrew takes 2nd


Throughout the 2023 New Mexico legislative session we have been tracking the Legislature’s votes on various economic, education, and constitutional issues from a pro-freedom perspective via our Freedom Index. Bills receive scores anywhere from -8 to +8 depending on the overall impact of the legislation. Legislators are assigned points as floor votes are taken. Alas, we cannot rate committee votes.

You can find a spreadsheet detailing all the votes included in the index here.

The best overall voting records were compiled by Alamogordo area freshman legislator Rep. John Block. Block was followed by Rep. Randall Pettigrew who represents parts of Hobbs and surrounding areas.

Kudos and thank you to Rep. Block and Rep. Pettigrew for their strong leadership. We’ll discuss the Senate and have more scores in a subsequent post.

How did the votes shake out on HB 547 “omnibus” tax bill?


As we’ve mentioned before here, the tax omnibus bill passed in the 2023 session was one of the most complicated pieces of legislation to have passed the Legislature, not just this year, but for some time.

There were extensive changes to the legislation made in both the House and then in the Senate. In our Freedom Index we rated the House-passed version a +2 and the Senate version a -1. With potential point totals ranging from “-8” to “+8” we obviously feel that this bill was not great or terrible public policy, but missing the opportunity to reform the GRT pyramiding limited the bill’s positive score.

The variations had to be resolved through a process called concurrence after which leaders from both houses hammered out an agreement (here’s our take on that).

Curiously, the New Mexico Legislature’s website does not include those concurrence votes (you can look here). We had to ask for them.

The House passed the final version on a voice vote meaning everyone supported it. The Senate passed it, but there was a formal vote taken (click here). We actually felt the final bill was so mediocre as to merit a “0” score so the Senate concurrence vote was not included in our final vote tally. Nonetheless, we think this information should be public.


Heinrich the hypocrite


It is hardly a surprise to anyone that follows New Mexico (or national) politics that officially-speaking Sen. Martin Heinrich opposes so-called “dark money.” What this means in practice is people expressing their strongly-held views by giving to non-profit organizations (like Rio Grande Foundation) that provide research and express opinions about what happens in Washington and Santa Fe.

At the Rio Grande Foundation we differ on that professed position of Heinrich’s, but we also note that Heinrich is a hypocrite on the issue. As energy analyst Robert Bryce points out in a recent column  one of the most notable groups Heinrich aligns himself with, Rewiring America, is also a major “dark money”-funded organization. For example, Heinrich co-chairs the “electrification caucus” in the US Congress, a project with heavy involvement of Rewiring America.

As Bryce notes, “Rewiring America, which has about 40 employees, is among the most prominent members of this dark money network. The group doesn’t publish its budget or file a Form 990 (the Rio Grande Foundation does this). Instead, it is a sponsored project of the Windward Fund, a 501c3 non-profit that does not disclose its donors. Nor does it reveal how much it is giving to Rewiring America.”

The group DID recently hire failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams to push its message though.

ABQ Journal opinion piece: Gov must address this nonsensical tax approach


The following appeared in the Albuquerque Journal on Sunday, March 26, 2023.

With $3.6 billion at its disposal, the New Mexico Legislature had the chance of the century – possibly the last century – to enact sweeping reforms of the state’s tax structure. The idea, seemingly as professed publicly by those from across the political spectrum, is to diversify the state economy to be less reliant on the vagaries of oil and gas prices.

Unfortunately, even with a positively mind-blowing 42% single-year budget surplus on top of robust spending growth in recent years and a large state and local government structure to begin with, the New Mexico Legislature abjectly failed to address our state’s problematic tax structure.

That means that New Mexico’s job-killing taxation of business service inputs will continue. And, while the gross receipts rate reduction is welcome, it is simply not a game-changer. In fact, GRT rates will remain higher in Albuquerque and most other cities than they were when Bill Richardson left office at the end of 2010.

Worse is the fact the bill contains numerous tax increases, and even more were considered. Shockingly, the original House version of the bill included major personal income tax hikes. When Richardson left office and throughout the Martinez era, New Mexico’s top income tax rate was 4.9%.

That top rate was increased to 5.9% for married couples making more than $315,000 in 2019 during Lujan Grisham’s first year in office. As originally formulated by the House, the bill would have added two new income tax rates of 6.5% and 6.9%. The 6.5% rate would have kicked in at the relatively low level of $200,000 for married couples.

This provision was amended out, but the inclusion of an income tax increase in the first place reflects the Democrat-controlled Legislature’s broader failure to grasp the opportunity at hand. As the final bill was crafted provisions to raise the capital gains and corporate income taxes were retained in the legislation. So-called “sin” taxes on alcohol and cigars were included as well.

If the goal is to diversify the New Mexico economy, you can’t do much worse than to raise capital gains and corporate income taxes. Perhaps the only thing worse is raising these taxes while the Legislature boosts spending by 14% and has a $3.6 billion surplus at its disposal.

While the tax hikes may be the worst part of the bill for businesses, the fact is that numerous other provisions of the legislation are deeply problematic. Subsidies for electric vehicles and charging stations are included. If these technologies are truly the wave of the future, why spend tax dollars on them? The same can be said for subsidies for energy storage systems.

As if those unnecessary subsidies aren’t bad enough, the Senate added massive film subsidies to the legislation. The current $110 million cap on annual film subsidies would be nearly doubled to $210 million. Worse, with another 5% subsidy boost for projects outside of Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Conceivably, some films could attain reimbursement of 40% of their taxable expenses.

Overall, New Mexico politicians are on the verge of squandering a unique chance to use a $3.6 billion surplus to diversify and improve the economy. Sadly, the Legislature has failed. Gov. Lujan Grisham will have a chance to wield her line-item veto pen. Hopefully, she, too, sees the problems inherent in enacting economically harmful tax hikes while also attempting to diversify the economy.

The Rio Grande Foundation is an independent, nonpartisan, tax-exempt research and educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility.

489 Romie Sandoval and Ricardo Hill – Behind the Scenes at Legislature and How You Can Get Involved


On this week’s interview Paul talks to Romie Sandoval and Ricardo Hill. These two young men were legislative staffers for Republican legislators during the session. We discuss how things work “behind the scenes” and how average people can both get involved and influence policymakers. Sandoval and Hill are political consultants in their full-time jobs, so we discuss various issues around getting candidates elected in New Mexico.

Episode 488: Reviewing the 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session


On this week’s conversation Paul and Wally discuss the 2023 session and its conclusion. Most notably, they address the massive tax “omnibus” package that wound up passing. It did not include needed reforms, but there were numerous components to the bill.

They also consider the situation with regard to medical providers. Previously it had appeared that no action would be taken on medical malpractice, but that changed quickly in the final days of the session.

Finally, Wally and Paul offer a broader perspective on the session. With “progressives” firmly in control, did they have an organizing principle or a strategy? How about the minority Republicans? How should they message what happened and didn’t happen?

The Freedom Index scores are almost finalized. You can find them here.

2023 New Mexico legislative session recap


With the legislative session a week behind us now, we at the Rio Grande Foundation have been reflecting on the outcomes of New Mexico’s 2023 Legislative Session.

Going into the 2023 legislative session, we at the Rio Grande Foundation had a few primary goals.

1)  Use the state’s massive $3.6 billion surplus to reform the “pyramiding” and business service taxation inherent in New Mexico’s gross receipts tax. Rep. Jason Harper has worked tirelessly on this needed reform. While it was not included in the final bill, we are grateful for the allies of the New Mexican taxpayer.

2)  Push for education reform to improve upon New Mexico’s abysmal 52nd position in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). While it did not pass, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino’s bill to increase school choice options for low-income students gained traction in the Senate. We are delighted to support school choice legislation, and Sen. Ortiz y Pino’s bill indicates a bipartisan desire to increase opportunities for students in some of our worst performing districts.

3)  Restore “democracy” by placing some kind of limit on this and future governors’ emergency powers. Several bills were introduced by Rep. Greg Nibert and Sen. Greg Baca in their respective chambers but unfortunately failed in committee. The fight to pull in our elected officials continues, but we are thankful to have legislative champions like Nibert and Baca. The Foundation testified in support of restoring the Legislature’s powers in emergencies in this and previous sessions. 

The Foundation also worked to push the Legislature to address the impending electricity shortage which could hit New Mexico as soon as this summer, addressing the medical provider shortage, and helping to push back against bad bills.

While the results of the session could have been better for ideas of liberty and prosperity, thankfully, a number of bad ideas died in the session:

    • A new paid leave scheme (SB 11) would have resulted in tax increases borne by employees and employers alike. It fortunately died after passing the Senate. The Rio Grande Foundation testified in opposition and participated in a rally at the Roundhouse. 
    • Most big environmental schemes failed: SB 520 net zero, HB 426 clean fuel standard, and the HJR 4 “green amendment” all died.
    • Bills to ban plastic bags statewide were thwarted. This was a particular surprise. The Foundation testified on this issue and has opposed such bans in Albuquerque and other cities. We were pleasantly surprised by this outcome.;  
    • HB 25 and HB 28 which would have increased New Mexico’s minimum wage both failed. The Foundation also testified against these bills. 

Unfortunately, despite devastating NAEP test scores, the Legislature didn’t act in a fundamental way to improve the State’s failing K-12 system. And, despite the threat of electricity reliability issues nothing was done to keep the lights on.

But you can count on the Rio Grande Foundation to continue to bring attention to these two issues through our Opportunities for All Kids NM and Lights Out NM programs.  We remain committed to advocating for you.

How did your legislators vote on these and other issues? Check out the Foundation’s Freedom Index here.

No surprise, Wallethub finds New Mexico taxpayers get terrible return on investment


The 2023 New Mexico legislative session resulted in a grab-bag of policies that included both tax hikes and tax cuts. Overall the session, even with a $3.6 billion surplus, offered no fundamental approach to economic development or anything else.

The folks at Wallethub have a new report showing that New Mexicans receive the 3rd worst return on investment (ROI) of any state in the nation. Only California and Hawaii perform worse. For full details click the link above, but a few of the charts below highlight the abject failure of New Mexico government to perform its basic functions, a situation enabled by voters who continue to elect the same politicians year after year.

Source: WalletHub
Source: WalletHub

RGF opinion piece: Interest rate cap study warning to NM


The following appeared in the Quay County Sun on March 15, 2023.

Elected officials who use the power of government to “help” people often fail to account for the possible unintended consequences of their actions. Even the noblest of intentions can unintentionally hurt those it’s meant to aid.

Such is the case with New Mexico’s new law imposing a price control on the interest rate that lenders are allowed to charge on a short-term loan. Proponents claim it will make a “real difference” for people, but the only difference it’ll make is in the ability for people to access credit.

On Jan. 1, H.B. 132 “Interest Rates for Certain Loans” became law and immediately prohibited lenders from imposing an annual percentage rate (APR) that exceeds 36%.

When the bill was before the Legislature in the 2022 budget session, the Rio Grande Foundation led a coalition letter highlighting the potential consequences it would have on lower-income borrowers across New Mexico. We noted that other states with a price ceiling on interest rates offer a cautionary case study on the perils of such a policy. These cautions went ignored.

Now, a new research study examining Illinois’ 36% “all-in” annual interest rate cap on consumer loans confirms what we predicted: caps restrict access to loans and harms consumers with lower incomes and credit scores.

Professors at Mississippi College and Mississippi State University, in partnership with the Federal Reserve, found that a hard 36% cap significantly decreased the availability of small-dollar credit in Illinois and worsened the self-reported financial well-being of many consumers.

Their data confirm that following the cap loans overall decreased by 8% but are down a whopping 44% among subprime borrowers. That means people who are most vulnerable to unexpected expenses in life find themselves unable to access the credit they need.

That’s because from a lender perspective, the math simply makes it impossible to provide short-term small-dollar loans to subprime borrowers under a 36% rate cap. Unlike those with means, “high risk” Illinoisians found they could not borrow the money they needed, and 40% of individuals noted “their overall financial well-being had declined” in the aftermath of the cap.

As lead author of the study reviewing Illinois’ rate cap, Thomas Miller noted in front of the Senate Banking Committee in 2021, “An interest rate cap does not make loans less expensive; it makes loans less available.”

Miller’s research confirms that H.B 132 will have a severe impact on short-term lending here and harm working class New Mexicans as the law goes into effect.

It’s an unfortunate truth that more than one-third of Americans are unable to cover an unforeseen expense of $400, a fact that is exacerbated by this period of price inflation. In these events, Americans can turn to small dollar credit products to help them handle issues as they arise, like medical expenses or car repairs.

Government-imposed price controls rarely accomplish their goals. Whether levied debit card fees, gasoline, or prescription drugs, or in this case, interest rates, setting price controls at below-market rates leads to shortages, inefficiencies, and an increase to black market activities.

More people will look toward the unregulated underground market to get the products they need.

Paul Gessing is president of New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation, which promotes limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility. Contact him at:


Yes, the Biden Administration really was trying to ban gas stoves (urged on by Sen. Heinrich)


The Biden Administration, Sen. Martin Heinrich, and the left in general have all denied that the Biden Administration EVER intended to ban gas stoves. Here is ONE of many such denials from an Albuquerque-based media outlet. In reality, an internal memo between the Administration and the Consumer Product Safety Administration clearly stated that the Administration was planning to move forward on a total ban.

Fox News actually broke the story, but the relevant text has been pasted below. An NPR is a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking”:

Episode 487: Kathleen Sgamma discusses energy policy, Deb Haaland conflict of interest, and more


On this week’s interview Paul sits down with Kathleen Sgamma, President of the Western Energy Alliance. Kathleen spends her time advocating for energy issues in the “Intermountain” West which includes New Mexico.

Kathleen and Paul discuss an underreported scandal involving Interior Secretary and New Mexico politician Deb Haaland. They also discuss Haaland’s role in making decisions about Chaco Canyon itself as well as the Willow project in Alaska which had not been finalized as of our conversation.

Check out this important conversation about energy and New Mexico’s important role in American energy production!

Tax bill — the final analysis Part 1 (Gross Receipts Tax)


The 60 day legislative session is in the books. Fans of public policy that would result in increased economic growth, an improved education system, affordable, reliable electricity, and rule of law were sorely disappointed by the 2023 session (if they had any expectations to begin with). But, we at Rio Grande Foundation had low expectations coming into the session. Even with those low expectations we were pretty disappointed by the lack of legislative focus on improving New Mexico’s business climate or prospects for economic growth.

You can read through the complicated legislative history of the tax omnibus HB 547 here.

We hoped for fundamental reform of the gross receipts tax “pyramiding,” but we knew that even this would be an uphill battle despite the State having a $3.6 billion surplus. Indeed, no actual plan was ever put forth among the numerous “omnibus ” tax bills to address the pyramiding issue, so we can assume that the Democrat-led Legislature never made that a priority.

Here is our take on what happened in the FINAL bill (we have commented on the several previous iterations). Our comments are (broadly) in order of the overall importance of the policies considered:

Lack of pyramiding reform, but GRT rates reduced 0.5 percentage points. Sadly, instead of taking effect next year the tax reduction will take effect over FOUR years. If that’s not bad enough if GRT revenue in any fiscal year after 2025 and before 2030 is less than 95 percent of GRT revenue from the previous fiscal year, the rate would snap back to 4.75 percent. New Mexico is in the midst of an unprecedented boom in oil and gas and SHOULD see continued growth, but there is no need for these “triggers,” especially when, as Rep. Christine Chandler noted, “delaying the full implementation of the GRT rate reductions for four years was necessary in order to pay for the film tax credits.”

It is hard to conceive of a more economically-misguided approach than to put broad-based tax relief on hold in order to throw more money at an already heavily-subsidized film industry. Under the new law SOME film projects will be reimbursed for a mind-blowing 40 percent of their overall spend.

The ONLY glimmer of real GRT reform is that at the last second a provision was inserted into the bill to eliminate taxation of deductibles and co-pays for medical care. This is something we have advocated for for many years. It represents some positive movement in the effort to address the doctor shortage.

More to come on the rest of the bill in the next few days.



Senate takes mediocre House-passed tax omnibus bill & makes it worse


With just 48 hours or so left in the legislative session, the majority Democrats just can’t seem to settle on a final tax package. The bill (HB 547) which started off terrible as introduced in the House, was improved significantly before being voted on in the full House, has now passed the Senate after several amendments that will make the bill significantly worse.

Here are the lowlights (just the changes). You can find our discussion of the House-passed bill here.

  1. The Senate-passed bill adds EVEN MORE GENEROUS film subsidies on top of those New Mexico already pays out. New Mexico taxpayers could pick up the tab for as much as 40% of the cost of certain films. The bill also nearly doubles the overall cap on film subsidies from $110,000,000 annually to $210,000,000.
  2. Alcohol taxes will go up by 5 cents per drink and more of the money collected (relative to the House-passed bill) will go to the general fund as opposed to alcohol treatment programs.

While these changes are bad and make the Senate bill an overall negative in our Freedom Index, in reality, the worst part of the bill as passed by both houses is the increases in capital gains taxes. Current law allows a 40% deduction. This bill takes all of that away except for $2,500. The only exception is the sale of a business that would net 40% deduction if the value is $300,000 or less. Republicans have pushed for removal, but Democrats seem unwilling to remove from the bill.

The House-passed version of HB 547 was a +1. The Senate version is -2. The Senate version now heads back to the House for concurrence. We’ll see if they buy what the Senate is selling or not. Also, Gov. Lujan Grisham should carefully consider how many tax hikes she wants to sign with a $3.6 billion surplus.

RGF president interviewed by KOAT 7 on City of Albuquerque spending to clean underpasses


The City of Albuquerque and State of New Mexico share the cost of cleaning up under Interstate highway underpasses. Unsurprisingly costs have skyrocketed since 2020 as the homeless problem has worsened and City leadership has refused to deal with the issue head-on. KOAT Channel 7 covered the issue and interviewed Paul Gessing about the problem and the costs it imposes. You can watch here or by clicking on the picture below:

Tipping Point Episode 486: The End (of NM Legislative Session) is Near, No Action on Doctor Shortage and more


The House-passed tax bill is MUCH better. It is a complicated piece of legislation and it remains a missed opportunity. That said it will probably be amended in the Senate and possibly by MLG.

A paid leave proposal (SB 11) was discussed in Santa Fe on Friday, the bill has now failed in a welcome bit of news for New Mexico businesses and many workers.

The New Mexico’s Legislature doesn’t seem to be inclined to address the doctor shortage.

What’s the latest on the plastic bag ban? Will it pass? 

The City of Albuquerque’s inspector general says the City recently violated the anti-donation clause.

The Freedom Index scores continue to pile up. 

LNG exports: another boom opportunity for New Mexico


A recent Financial Times chart below illustrates, the United States is the globe’s leading natural gas exporter. As capacity grows, exports will likely continue to grow very rapidly.

Below that chart is a chart highlighting New Mexico’s growing natural gas production. In recent years New Mexico’s natural gas production has risen by 150%. In other words, New Mexico’s natural gas boom is likely just beginning and the export capacity will likely lead the world to increasingly consume natural gas produced in New Mexico and other parts of the USA.



MLG pushes last-minute medical malpractice reform


After a session of frustration for those looking to change New Mexico’s medical malpractice law which medical professionals have cited as a leading reason for the State’s doctor shortage, it appears that Gov. Lujan Grisham may be throwing a “Hail Mary” with mere days left in the session.

The bill, if accurately defined below (we have no details) would address most of the serious issues around the medical malpractice issue. Session ends at NOON Saturday, so time is of the essence.

Alex Epstein vs. Rep. Stansbury


One of the most frustrating things about American politics today is the left’s tendency to attack those they disagree with as “racist” or that they are simply taking their marching orders from industry. This, as opposed to leftist politicians and advocacy groups who receive massive funding from anti-industry organizations.

Alex Epstein is the author of Fossil Future and one of the best advocates for energy freedom. He recently testified before the US House of Representatives (see footage below) and was immediately accused of these things by Rep. Stansbury, a Democrat who represents much of Albuquerque and CD1 in Congress.


Inspector General: City of Albuquerque violated anti-donation clause


A few months back investigative reporter Larry Barker blew the whistle on the City of Albuquerque paying for a turf field for the Gladiators football team which plays at an arena in Rio Rancho. We heartily agreed with Barker and his assessment and have defended New Mexico’s anti-donation clause (including in a separate lawsuit).

Well, as it turns out Albuquerque’s Inspector General recently found that the turf purchase likely DID violate New Mexico law.  And, the IG says it is NOT just because the turf would have been installed in Rio Rancho, but because it amounts to a “donation” to a private interest (the Gladiators football team).

We welcome the IG’s opinion and hope that it will result in more consistent enforcement of the anti-donation clause.

House-passed tax bill is MUCH better, remains a missed opportunity


The omnibus tax bill (HB 547) passed over the weekend. It is no longer the disaster it was when introduced. In fact, it has moved from “-8” to “+1” in our Freedom Index vote tracking.  Because of its complexity and numerous pluses and minuses, it is a very difficult bill to rate and for members to vote on. Hopefully the bill is improved in the Senate, but as it stands it remains a missed opportunity.

The good:

  1. The bill cuts gross receipts tax rates significantly;
  2. It reduces personal income tax rates at lower income levels (which earners at all levels will benefit from somewhat);
  3. Social security tax cuts from 2022 are indexed to inflation;
  4. Military pension tax reduction is extended for another 5 years;
  5. Motor vehicle excise taxes would be directed to roads and more alcohol taxes would be allocated to alcohol treatment.,

The bad:

  1. The unprecedented $3.6 billion surplus SHOULD have been an opportunity to end New Mexico’s tax pyramiding on business services. This was not done.  Until it is New Mexico’s economy will continue to suffer.
  2. Numerous subsidies are tucked in the bill for EV’s, charging stations, and energy storage projects.
  3. Corporate income taxes are increased slightly (by removing a lower 4.8% rate on small corporations and taxing them all at 5.9%;
  4. Capital gains taxes are increased due to a less generous exemption;
  5. Alcohol taxes and taxes on cigars are increased.

Overall, the bill remains a mess of conflicting economic priorities. The only coherent strategy is that it attempts to remove taxes from those with lower incomes.

Build Back Better: What The House Version Might Mean For Taxes

The strange issue of a bill subsidizing development through UNM


The Rio Grande Foundation has long been concerned with taxpayer subsidies for development. HB 353 would subsidize UNM development arm “Lobo Development” in order for them to develop the south campus area.

It is one of many concerning bills alive in the Legislature as it heads into its final week. Interestingly, all Republican house members voted to support the bill while several Democrats were opposed.

Perhaps most bizarre is the fact that South Campus is considered “blighted.” As the Albuquerque Journal story noted, “the tax district … area includes a science and technology park, university sports fields, Isotopes Park and student residences. Far from “blighted,” with two nearby Interstate highways, New Mexico’s flagship university, and  the Sunport the area represents a great opportunity for redevelopment WITHOUT SUBSIDIES.