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How does New Mexico stack up with big red and blue states?


Our friend Vance Ginn, Chief Economist at the Texas Public Policy Institute, recently compared his state of Texas and another prominent “red” state (Florida) with the biggest “blue” states of California and New York on a range of basic economic statistics.

You can see the data below which is loosely based on Ginn’s analysis linked above. The data are interesting to say the least.

New Mexico is definitely a “BLUE” state. It suffers from terrible workforce participation and unemployment rates and government consumes an outsized portion of our economy (even when compared with “blue” states).

Notably, New Mexico is also even less attractive as a moving destination than either big “blue” state. Ironically, New Mexico is the least “unequal” state as measured by the Top 10% income share and even New Mexico’s poverty rate isn’t “that” bad (compared with the other states) when the Census Bureau includes living costs and government benefits.

Notably, as it is heavily-reliant on oil and gas production and revenues, New Mexico’s economy is much more resource-driven than any of the other states studied.

Economic Freedom of North America (2021)
US Census Percent Population Growth 2010-2020
State Business Tax Climate (2021)
State Economic Outlook Rankings (2021)
State & Local Spending % GDP 2021 
State & Local Tax Burden % of income 2020
Avg. Unemployment Rate 2016-2020
Avg. Labor Force Participation 2016-2020
Avg. Top 10% income share (2000-2018)
Supplemental Poverty Measure (2017-2019)

The latest film study (Again) shows NM’s subsidies are a dud


When she came into office in 2019 one of her very first policy initiatives was to expand New Mexico’s 25% film subsidy (it’s a rebate, not a tax credit). No more annual spending caps and 25% became the baseline as subsidies rose as high as 35%.

And, despite ample data showing that the film subsidy is an economic loser, we get yet another study of the program which (despite much effort to portray otherwise) shows the program to be an economic loser.

The critical line comes from page 24 of the “study” highlighted below:

Why is this the critical point? Simply put, the State has to get the money it spends on film subsidies from somewhere and that requires economic activity. The fundamental flaw with so many economic analyses that attempt to justify government subsidies (spending) on behalf of economic development is that it fails to account for the amount of economic activity that must happen in order to generate $1.00 of tax revenue (this is not necessarily the case for tax breaks or exemptions that merely remove a tax on a business or industry and thus still have overall positive economic impacts).

From the perspective of simplicity, New Mexico’s GRT and income taxes are levied at the same rate ≅ 5%. Thus, New Mexico needs about $20 of economic activity in order to generate a single dollar of tax revenue.

So, taking data directly from the report (page 4), to break even on $1 of film subsidy spending New Mexico would need ≅ $20 times in more or less organic economic activity. Thus, to break even on $160 million in film credits issued, the State would require not the $854 million in direct economic output generated, rather it would need to generate $3.2 BILLION in economic output. 

The Legislative Finance Committee in 2019 acknowledged that the film subsidy program actually costs the State money. The following is from a post-session LFC slide presentation.



Looking at New Mexico job loss during COVID


At the Rio Grande Foundation we have long been concerned about the negative impacts of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s policies (pre-COVID and especially during the pandemic). Numerous reports and analyses (such as Wallethub’s) have placed New Mexico at the very bottom when it comes to job creation (or destruction) during COVID.

So, we did our own analysis using Bureau of Labor Statistics data. As you can see below, New Mexico is unique among its neighbors in having lost jobs since COVID’s onset in March of 2020.

On a percentage basis, New Mexico has lost 2.35% of jobs since March 2020 while Utah has gained a robust 2.92%.

NM infection numbers moving in right direction (following seasonal pattern) Updated


Check out the chart below which is from World O Meters. It shows the 7 day average of new COVID cases in New Mexico. The number of new cases peaked at 1,422 on November 23rd. That number has dropped steadily since and now stands at 1,080 as of November 29th.

Looking back at 2020 data, New Mexico saw a similar pattern with the Virus as it peaked on November 24th (at a much higher level) and dropped quickly from there. Clearly the Virus is seasonal, but numerous other factors have undoubtedly mitigated against the situation being AS bad in 2021 as it was in 2020.

Will the Omicron variant hit New Mexico and move us in the wrong direction? We don’t know. But, it appears that from an infection perspective New Mexico has turned the corner. We certainly hope so.

Lujan Grisham’s GRT cut fails to address issues


The following appeared in Las Cruces Sun-News on Sunday, November 28, 2021.

For many years the Rio Grande Foundation has pushed the Legislature to take steps to address fundamental problems with the State’s gross receipts tax. We’ve regularly labeled it New Mexico’s “original sin” of economic policy due to the tremendous harm it does to New Mexico’s economy.

And, while we support ANY effort to lower tax burdens on New Mexicans, the Gov.’s plan for a small .25 percentage point reduction in the State’s GRT burden hardly makes up for recent increases. With a $2 billion budget surplus looming this January and the Senate Finance Committee Chair saying the Legislature has “more money than they know what to do with,” it is time to really reform the GRT, not provide an election year sop to struggling businesses and families.

Currently, the City of Las Cruces GRT is 8.3125%. Back in 2010 that rate was “just” 7.0%. The Gov.’s reduction, if implemented, won’t even get the rate back to 8.0%. Las Cruces is not alone. GRT rates have risen dramatically over the last 20 years due to a combination of state and local policies.

But the most important problem with the GRT is its unfair treatment of small businesses. Accountants, bookkeepers, even medical professionals, and attorneys (and many others) all must charge this tax on top of the cost of their services. Alternatively, service providers located in other states do not have to charge the GRT. This makes New Mexico especially unattractive as a location for small businesses. And it is those small businesses that grow into tomorrow’s big businesses which can employee hundreds or even thousands of workers and boost state and local economies.

With the Legislature expected to convene in January with up to $2 billion in surplus revenues generated primarily from oil and gas, now is the time to focus on fundamental reform. According to the Gov. this tax cut will reduce revenues by $145 million annually. That’s a tiny fraction of the surplus. At a bare minimum proper GRT reform needs to eliminate the taxation of these business services. It will be easier to make the change when there is plenty of revenue available.

The GRT and much-needed reforms to it are not a partisan issue. Republican Jason Harper has introduced reform legislation in recent years with former Senate Finance Committee Chair, Democrat John Arthur Smith. More recently, powerful House Appropriations Committee Chair Democrat Rep. Patty Lundstrom told attendees of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association (NMOGA) conference in October that “tax pyramiding” needed to be addressed by the Legislature in the upcoming session.

While taxing services is the fundamental problem with the GRT, there are others. Specifically, while the tax was originally conceived as being applied at VERY low rates and broadly, the political process has led to the current, sorry state of high rate, exemption-filled tax structure.

Special interests line up in Santa Fe to lobby for exemptions and deductions for their business or industry and the Legislature is more than happy to offer those exemptions. And, whether you support taxing groceries or not, the process of eliminating that tax has directly contributed to the massive rise in GRT rates in recent years.

In addition to addressing taxes on business inputs and services, the Legislature needs to put a stop to the special exemptions while also constraining the future ability of local governments to raise rates.

A tiny tax cut passed as we head into an election year with a massive budget service may or may not be good politics, but it certainly isn’t enough to address the fundamental problems with New Mexico’s GRT.

Paul Gessing is president of New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation. The Rio Grande Foundation is an independent, nonpartisan, tax-exempt research and educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility

Tipping Point New Mexico Episode 356: New Mexico GOP launches “Land of the Last”


On this week’s podcast interview Paul interviews former New Mexico Congressman and Chairman of the Republican Party Steve Pearce. Joined on the interview are Ashley Soular and Mike Curtis also of the GOP.

Starting out, Paul and Steve discuss the role of political parties and the challenges they face in adhering to the myriad federal and state laws regulating them and their activity.

Then Paul and the group discuss the GOP’s new video series “Land of the Last” which highlights some of the major issues facing New Mexico brought on by nearly 100 years of single-party rule.

All of the videos made (to date) are posted below:

Tipping Point NM episode 355: New Mexico’s Economic Freedom, Gross Receipts Tax Cut Proposed and more


From Monday, Nov. 16, through Monday, Nov. 30 last year New Mexicans suffered under MLG’s “enhanced” lockdown which led to our own bread lines as people were forced to stand outside in the cold to get into grocery stores which were limited to 75 people indoors. The good news is that arguably the Virus appears to have peaked for THIS year in terms of infections.

New Mexico falls further behind in the latest economic freedom report.

Do New Mexico Democrats actually care about “progressive” taxation? Build Back Better is HARDLY “progressive.” 

Gov. MLG wants a tiny tax cut. Reducing GRT rates doesn’t solve the problem. Spaceport America has a generous tax exemption from the Legislature and is an example of the problem.

Who paid for MLG’s Scottish adventure and HOW exactly did she get there? 


Opinion piece: Economic Freedom Takes a Hit in New Mexico


Anya Kamenetz | KRWG

The following appeared at KRWG on November 17, 2021.

Nearly any business owner in New Mexico will tell you that Michelle Lujan Grisham and her policies have been unfriendly to business. Setting aside the COVID lockdowns, since she took office in 2019, we’ve seen multiple tax hikes, numerous new regulations, and numerous policies that make it more costly and difficult to hire workers.

These policies aren’t just “anti-business,” taken as a whole they undermine economic freedom. A new study provides hard data that quantifies and highlights the negative impact of policies of Lujan Grisham and the Legislature (at least in 2019).

For starters, it is worth defining the term. Economic freedom is broadly speaking the ability to engage in voluntary economic transactions without unduly being hindered by government policies. This includes low, fair taxation, reasonable rules and regulations, and a limited government spending.

Not surprisingly, policies of economic freedom are strongly correlated with greater economic prosperity. In fact, according to the 2021 edition of the report, the freest 25% of states have personal incomes that are 7.5% higher than the national average while the 25% of least free states have personal incomes that are 1% less than the national average.

New Mexico has long lagged its neighbors and most of the nation in economic freedom having consistently been in the lowest quartile for years. Thus, it is not surprising that New Mexico is among the most impoverished states in the nation.

But, when Gov. Susana Martinez took office in 2011, New Mexico ranked 46th in economic freedom. Despite her having to deal with a hostile Legislature, that number improved to 42nd by the last year of her administration mostly due to her fiscal restraint.

But, when Lujan Grisham took over in 2019 along with a liberal Legislature the State saw a massive uptick in government spending, several tax hikes, new regulations, and numerous other policies that make New Mexico less economically-free. On the other hand, New Mexico’s neighbors are all among the most economically-free states in the nation. Texas, with no personal income tax and a pro-freedom labor laws like “Right to Work” ranks 4th overall.

While we don’t have the data on how economic freedom has fared in New Mexico in 2020 and 2021, we know that in general Gov. Lujan Grisham and the Legislature seem to look to California as their model. Alas, the State is one of the few ranked worse than New Mexico on economic freedom at 49th. Only New York performs worse.

The fact is that the policies passed in 2019 that caused New Mexico to slide in economic freedom have only been reinforced by others that further undermine economic freedom in 2020 and 2021.

With a $2 billion surplus, Gov. Lujan Grisham has proposed a miniscule reduction in the gross receipts tax (while leaving the grotesque pyramiding and loopholes intact). But, we can expect that an overwhelming majority of that surplus will go to even more government spending that will do nothing to actually improve New Mexico’s serious poverty challenges or overall economic outcomes.

It is time for New Mexico politicians (and voters) to prioritize economic freedom in turning our State around.

Paul Gessing is president of New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation. The Rio Grande Foundation is an independent, nonpartisan, tax-exempt research and educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility

New Mexico Democrats don’t really care about “progressive” taxation or “taxing the rich”


Democrats LOVE to talk about “progressive” taxation and taxing the rich. Whether it’s AOC’s dress or Rep. Javier Martinez’ relentless push for “tax equity,” Democrats, especially here in New Mexico love to talk about taxing the rich.

So, it may be surprising to find out that one of the biggest components of the “Build Back Better” legislation which just passed the US House (with the votes of Stansbury and Leger Fernandez, but NOT Herrell) is a big tax cut for THE RICH. Specifically, the bill allows wealthy taxpayers in high-cost states with high taxes (like California and New York) to take a federal tax deduction against state taxes.

Not surprisingly, relatively poor New Mexico is NOT a big beneficiary of SALT, yet both liberal Democrats support the bill and numerous other elected legislators (and both Sen. Heinrich and Lujan have pledged support. 

See the following chart from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget which compares the impact of SALT with a child care tax cred expansion contained in the bill. None other than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders criticized the addition of the SALT deduction to the bill saying, “It sends a terrible, terrible message…You can’t be on the side of the wealthy and the powerful if you’re gonna really fight for working families.”

Digging into Spaceport America’s tax exemption


As we’ve noted repeatedly ONE of the problems with New Mexico’s gross receipts tax is the politically-motivated exemptions that are offered to well-connected interests. Spaceport America and Virgin Galactic are certainly among the most well-connected interests, so it is not surprising that they have been given favorable tax treatment by the Legislature.

Check out the 2019 ruling below:  But, as Kathleen Sloan writes in a new piece for the Sierra County Sun, Virgin Galactic has paid NO GRT on ticket sales “totaling $45 million, it would produce a windfall of $3.123 million dollars for the state and county.” To put it plainly, tickets are not the same as “launching, operating, or recovering space vehicles or payloads.”

Not only does the Spaceport benefit from a GRT exemption it also benefits from a very generous interpretation of that exemption.

More analysis on the MLG’s GRT plan


As we’ve already noted, the main problem with Gov. Lujan Grisham’s plan to slightly reduce GRT rates by .25% is the fact that the real problem with the tax is taxation of services as business inputs.

Also, with what is expected to be a $2 billion surplus, the Gov. wants to return $145 million. That’s about 7 percent of the available surplus. And, while the State’s GRT rate would be reduced from 5.125% to 4.875%.

In every area of the State we’ve seen tax rates rise dramatically over the years. The chart below reflects Albuquerque’s rapid climb over the years to the current gross receipts tax rate of 7.875 percent. Rio Rancho’s rate is now 7.6875%. You can find a full list of local GRT rates with rates ranging to over 9%. Relative to Albuquerque’s overall GRT rate, a .25% cut is a 3.17% reduction in the GRT.

In addition to addressing taxes on business inputs and services, the Legislature needs to address local taxation authority and constrain the ability of local governments to raise rates.

Episode 354: William Perry Pendley – Political Shifts in Federal Land Management


On this week’s podcast, Paul sits down with William Perry Pendley. Perry worked in the Department of Interior under Ronald Reagan and then headed up the efforts of the Mountain States Legal Foundation, a non-profit law firm that defends property rights in the American West. Pendley was appointed to deputy director by President Trump and then became acting director of the Bureau of Land Management in 2019.

Perry and Paul discuss the BLM and its importance in New Mexico, how political shifts have drastic impacts on land management techniques, and the radical politics of people in high places at BLM under the Biden Administration.

Enjoy this timely and important conversation!

Who paid for MLG’s Scottish COP Adventure (and how did she get there)?


The moment Gov. Lujan Grisham hopped on a plane (presumably) to fly over to Scotland, we at the Rio Grande Foundation filed a public records request to find out exactly what carbon emitting form of transportation she used to get over there to hector us on OUR CO2 emissions all while her and several staffers emit massive amounts of carbon on their trip.

A) She (and staff) flew over to Scotland in coach;

B) She (and staff) flew over in First Class;

C) They all took a private jet (as did hundreds of other attendees).

So, we filed a public records request to find out. You can see the response to that request below. Long story, short: the taxpayers didn’t pay for the trip, so, they don’t have to provide the information. Here is the letter responding to our records request.

We’re assuming that a well-funded radical environmental group paid for the trip and will be filing further requests to that effect. Seems like our Gov.’s travel arrangements costing thousands of dollars to attend a foreign conference should be a public record, no? Will it be reported in her campaign contribution instead?

Climate change: Should you fly, drive or take the train? - BBC News

Episode 353 No Masks for Governor Polis, Schools, Electricity and more


The Virus is spreading in Colorado and New Mexico, but Jared Polis isn’t going to reimpose a statewide mask mandate. He’s promoting monoclonal antibodies in addition to vaccination instead. MLG doesn’t discuss that much. On the other hand Gov. MLG goes on MSNBC w/ Joe Scarborough on TV IN A MASK:

On KRQE Paul shares how NM’s unemployment rate recovery among worst in US. 

Forbes ranks NM schools 51st in USA.

Trever cartoon roasts PNM/warns of blackouts.

Hearing examiner recommends that PNM be allowed to abandon its interest in Four Corners Generating station.

Paul recaps the recent PED hearing on social studies standards.

In a special interview, Paul talks to Dave Jenkins, President of Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship, about the Federal Oil & Gas Leasing System in New Mexico. The current system overwhelmingly favors oil and gas company executives and speculators over the owners of these resources–the American public. At one time Dave was Legislative staff for Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM).

Reducing rates doesn’t solve problem w/ GRT (Updated)


With the Legislature expected to convene in January with up to $2 billion in “new money” (basically, surplus revenues generated primarily from oil and gas, Gov. Lujan Grisham has proposed a small reduction in the gross receipts tax of .25 percentage points. 

According to the Gov. this tax cut will reduce taxes by $145 million annually. That’s obviously a tiny fraction of the revenues that the Senate Finance Committee Chair (a Democrat) says is “more money than they know what to do with.”

Of course, as the Rio Grande Foundation has said for years, the REAL problem with New Mexico’s gross receipts tax is “pyramiding,” especially taxes paid on services as business inputs. Powerful Democrat Rep. Patty Lundstrom told attendees of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association (NMOGA) conference that this needed to be addressed by the Legislature as the primary use of the surplus.

The essential difference between a “healthy” sales tax and New Mexico’s awful gross receipts tax is seen in the graphic below, but more fundamentally, the GRT leads to all kinds of special interest favoritism in the Legislature and it disproportionately harms small businesses:

Get a Handle on Gross Receipts Tax if Doing Business in New Mexico |  Resource Tool for Start-up and Small Businesses in New Mexico

New Mexico falls further behind in latest economic freedom report


According to the 2021 edition of the Economic Freedom Index of North America report from the free market Canadian think tank Fraser Institute, New Mexico, in calendar year 2019 (the first year of the Lujan Grisham Administration), slid from 42nd (in last year’s report which used data from the final year of the Martinez Adm.) down to 46th.

While New Mexico has long lagged its neighbors and most of the nation in economic freedom, the 2019 legislative session saw a massive uptick in government spending, tax hikes, newly-imposed regulations, and numerous other policies that make New Mexico less business-friendly. All of New Mexico’s neighbors are among the most economically-free states in the nation.

Not surprisingly, most economically-free half of jurisdictions have higher incomes than do the least economically-free jurisdictions like New Mexico. It is not surprising that New Mexico is among the most impoverished states in the nation.

New Hampshire, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas, were among the MOST economically-free states in the latest report (full rankings below) while California and New York were among the few states that trailed New Mexico. Click on either image in this post for the FULL report:

What’s Virgin Galactic REALLY paying at Spaceport America


In testimony before an interim legislative committee yesterday Spaceport America yet AGAIN made a plea for more tax money (an additional infusion of $2 million) to keep the facility afloat. Unfortunately, it is hard to verify exactly what Virgin Galactic is currently paying to use the facility.

At the hearing and in media reports, the facility’s executive director claims that Virgin Galactic is paying nearly $6 million annually to the State of New Mexico.

But, according to a modified lease agreement signed on December 21, 2018, Virgin Galactic is paying an annual lease of just $2.3 million annually (details are spelled out in the link above). BUT, an item in the lease states, “In the event VG conducts no revenue-generating spaceflights for a period of three (3) or more consecutive calendar months, VG shall pay NMSA a user fee of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per month” (that’s just $600,000 annually).

Since Virgin Galactic has NEVER taken a paying customer to space, it would seem that they are paying rent of just $600,000 annually.

There’s a gaping difference between $6 million and $2.3 million or $600K). Where is the extra money supposed to be coming from? And what evidence do we have that ANY money is actually coming in?

How much has Spaceport America cost taxpayers? - KVIA

Trever Cartoon roasts PNM


Sometimes a few words in a cartoon are as effective (or more) than thousands of words. This Trever cartoon from the Sunday Albuquerque Journal really says what we’ve been writing about and discussing for months.

Contrasting Colorado’s Polis & New Mexico’s MLG on COVID


Over the weekend Colorado Gov. Jared Polis made news (at least in New Mexico) when he said that he would NOT reimpose a statewide mask mandate citing New Mexico’s high COVID infection rate (despite its mandate) as a reason for not doing it.

What was lost in the coverage is the fact that Gov. Polis has ALSO made “monclonal antibody” treatment a top priority.

Antibody treatment early in the disease’s course can reduce the odds of hospitalization by about 70%, but vaccines lower the odds by about 90%. Still, if a person didn’t get vaccinated, antibody treatment is their best option, Polis said.

“We need every bed that we have in our hospitals,” he said during a news briefing.

What about monoclonal antibody treatment in New Mexico? We searched the Gov.’s website and found no statements about it in recent months. The Albuquerque Journal’s most recent article was from January of 2021. There IS information available from the Department of Health which includes information on infusion centers and who qualifies for the treatment.

Monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID: doctor tells you what you need to  know | WJLA


Halting federal oil and gas leasing helps no one


Recently, global leaders gathered in Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit. It was here that nations, both large and small, made commitments to combat and slow the effects of climate change. It should concern us that many of the proposals and agreements target some of our most critically important industries, including oil and gas, putting jobs, affordable fuels and energy and our economy at risk.

The United States has tried this tactic and it consistently fails. Most recently, President Biden agreed to and implemented sweeping government regulations related to the environment without fully understanding the impacts upon communities in energy states like New Mexico.

Take, for example, the recent ban on oil and natural gas leasing on public lands and in offshore waters. Despite a groundswell of opposition from states who said the ban could cause significant community harm and economic loss, the Department of Interior pressed forward with its leasing moratorium, seemingly without even considering its consequences. 2021 will mark the first year in decades no onshore federal leasing auctions will have occurred across the US.

Federal lands currently compose nearly 35% of New Mexico’s total area, and a federal oil and gas leasing ban would immediately threaten the welfare and future of our state. We would lose critical jobs at a time when the economy is reeling, and our unemployment rate remains one of the highest in the nation. At the same time, ban would eliminate critical tax revenues that pay for schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure, keeping the government from dipping into the pockets of taxpayers.

Fortunately, this hasty decision was overturned in court after 12 states sued the Department of Interior. But it still represents a dangerous trend we see on both sides of the aisle—government representatives putting politics and big government over the best interests of our people—and it is unacceptable.

Moreover, sweeping government policies such as a leasing ban rarely work as intended. Instead, they hamstring businesses and stifle innovation, hurt our middle- and lower-income citizens and communities and always have unintended consequences. And it is important to keep this in mind as we consider ways to address climate change, especially for states like New Mexico.

It should be clear to U.S. officials that working together with energy companies, not actively against, will be the best path to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Already, energy companies are heavily investing in innovative solutions, like carbon capture and storage, to reduce emissions while protecting jobs and revenues and keeping energy costs low. We should continue encouraging this type of collaboration and innovation between government and private industry to effectively balance economic growth with climate goals.

352 Angelo Artuso – Attorney Representing LANL Employees in Covid Mandate Lawsuit


Angelo Artuso is a pro-liberty attorney based in Albuquerque. He is currently representing a group of Los Alamos National Lab Employees In a Federal Lawsuit Over COVID-19 mandates at the Lab on the basis of religious discrimination.

Paul and Angelo discuss numerous legal issues regarding vaccine mandates but also consider the broader Liberty issues at stake and the performance of the judiciary in general throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
You don’t want to miss this timely conversation.

California’s Gavin Newsome deems natural gas “zero carbon”


Considering that New Mexico’s Gov. and Legislature seem to adopt whatever the latest leftist California is, it is always important to keep an eye on what happens on the “left coast.”

This article from Forbes gives me hope that New Mexico may not be crazy enough to follow through with the push to “unreliables” like wind and solar.

Apparently in California the idea is to just “deem” natural gas a “zero carbon” fuel and move on. As we noted a few months ago California recently built several new natural gas plants in an effort to shore up the reliability of their electrical grid.

While natural gas is certainly a low-carbon fuel, unlike nuclear it is NOT zero-carbon. But, perhaps this is a sign that when grid reliability and the “green” agenda butt up against each other even the most “progressive” politician will decide to keep the lights on.

Episode 351: COVID-19 Spreads, Film Set Blame, Court Rules on Vaccine Rules, Infrastructure Bill and more


On this week’s podcast, Paul and Wally discuss the spread of COVID19 in New Mexico and the high levels of infections occurring in New Mexico. They also discuss the differing media reaction to Florida and states in the Mountain West.

NM Film workers place blame for issues on set w/ out-of-state-leaders. There are also workplace issues with at least this movie. How does this square with New Mexico’s highly-subsidized film industry? 

Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses w/ 100 or more employees officially put forth and immediately gets placed on hold by 5th district judge. The Administration is still pushing businesses to comply.

Biden gets help from some House Republicans to pass a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. Paul and Wally discuss some details on the bill and the poor politics for the GOP.

Gavin Newsome has declared natural gas “zero carbon.” 

In this supplemental interview Paul does a short interview with Zachary Taylor, director of the American Recyclable Plastic Bag Alliance, about the changes the Keller Administration has changed its plastic bag ban. and why they are economically and environmentally harmful.