Errors of Enchantment

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Film workers on “Rust” set blame out-of-state-leaders


Nobody has fought New Mexico’s wasteful film subsidy program more vociferously and for longer than the Rio Grande Foundation. That said, we were shocked and horrified at the deadly shooting that recently took place on the set of a film outside of Santa Fe.

There are still a lot of details to uncover, but according to a recent Albuquerque Journal article which details some of the issues on-set, there were some serious well-known problems even before the shooting.

“From not getting paid on time – some waited nearly seven weeks for their paychecks – to the day-to-day schedules never finding a routine.” This is of course an industry that gets reimbursed for 25 to 35% of its expenses in New Mexico and yet they can’t pay their workers on time?

“The production refused to pay for hotels for crew members – most of whom drove from nearly an hour away from the set – after working long shifts.” Again, this sounds unsafe and is hard to square with the subsidies given.

“Two ‘Rust’ crew members laid the blame for some of the issues in the production on certain out-of-state leaders.”

Is an industry that fails to pay its workers basic benefits and brings in leadership from out of state (not just talent) really a sensible recipient of massive amounts of New Mexico tax dollars?

Tipping Point Episode 350: Farmington Mayor Nate Duckett


On this week’s interview, Paul talks to Farmington Mayor Nate Duckett. Duckett was first elected Mayor of the Four Corners’ largest City in 2018. Mayor Duckett and Paul discuss the economic challenges facing Farmington and how recent trends have led to a “hot” housing market locally AND an improved natural gas industry. They also discuss challenges faced due to the elimination of the region’s two coal-fired power plants. Duckett is a proponent of expanding outdoor recreation in his area of the State.

Forbes ranks New Mexico public school system 51st


Imagine my non-surprise when I clicked on the latest national ranking of public school systems (this one from Forbes) and found that New Mexico ranked 51st. Read their comments below and you further grasp the scope of the problem.

So, while we are pleased that voters saw fit to rid Albuquerque Public Schools of three union-backed members (and a few other districts around the State rejected the unions), it is going to take A LOT more reform to move New Mexico schools in the right direction. Specifically, the Legislature in Santa Fe remains in thrall to the unions as does Gov. Lujan Grisham.

To really move New Mexico’s education system forward (along with the rest of the economy) it is going to take multiple electoral cycles like this one in which candidates beholden to the unions and their money are rejected in favor of reformers and choice advocates.

The Legislature MAY try to raise gas prices THIS December!


Normally Election Day is the last big political event on the calendar. The defeated lick their wounds and the victors prepare to take office at the start of the New Year. But 2021 is no ordinary year, it is a redistricting year.

That means that (likely) on December 6, the New Mexico Legislature will be meeting to discuss electoral boundaries for Congress, the Legislature, and others bodies. It’s a big job and it can get VERY heated, though with New Mexico Democrats controlling ALL aspects of the process it should be easier (if they don’t overreach by drawing some truly partisan districts).

BUT, we are hearing that some non-redistricting bills could be on the agenda including a bill that failed last session which would mandate “clean” fuels be added to your gasoline. As Rep. Larry Scott writes in this opinion piece, this WILL increase gas prices by at least 17.5 cents per gallon as a starting point.

We’ll be in Santa Fe to fight this and there couldn’t be a worse time for government to FURTHER boost the cost of living.

I did that Biden Kamala & Pelosi Set of 24 Decals image 1

RGF offers thoughts on United’s future stadium ambitions


While RGF is pleased by Albuquerque voters’ overwhelming rejection of the proposal to build a taxpayer-financed soccer stadium near downtown, we recognized all along that the Team was not going to give up their quest for a new stadium.

Channel 7 KOAT laid out some ideas including potential stadium locations on tribal lands. RGF expects that, given the massive surpluses available to the Legislature and Gov. Lujan Grisham, we could see significant state dollars used to fund a stadium even if Albuquerque voters have rejected the concept.

A good night for reform-minded leadership nationwide/in New Mexico


If you’d like to listen to Rio Grande Foundation president Paul Gessing discuss the 2021 election results (and numerous other issues later on), check out his recent interview with Jim Williams of KLYT 88.3FM on ABQ Connect. Paul is a regular guest on Jim’s show, but he has regular guests on a variety of local issues of interest.

In terms of local election results, it was obviously disappointing to see Mayor Keller who has done such a poor job managing public safety and the homelessness problem win so handily in Albuquerque. But, the taxpayer-financed United Stadium supported by Keller (and opposed by the Rio Grande Foundation) lost 2-1.

In terms of City Council, the West Side saw the ouster of two incumbents in favor of former Councilor Dan Lewis and newcomer Louis Sanchez.

Two other races are heading to a runoff with the requisite early voting and an “election day” of December 7. Those races include conservative leaning candidates Lori Robertson (District 7 in the mid-northeast heights) and Rene Grout (District 9 in the northeast/southeast heights).

APS school board also saw seats shift from union-backed candidates to more reform-minded candidates including Courtney Jackson, Crystal Tapia-Romero, and Danielle Gonzales .

Unfortunately the reform wave did not reach Las Cruces city council and the Foundation’s own Patrick Brenner lost in his bid for school board in Rio Rancho.

Nationally-speaking, Virginia’s governor’s race was won by Republican Glenn Youngkin in large part because of his pro-education reform, anti-CRT stances.

In New Jersey in what could have been an unprecedented upset, the Republican fell just-short.

Overall, it was a good night for conservatives and those that believe parents, not the unions and bureaucrats should control education.

Results: Michigan General Election on Nov. 2, 2021

Basketball vs. Fair: MLG’s COVID hypocrisy on full display


Recently RGF raised the question of whether Gov. Lujan Grisham will mandate vaccines for attendees of Lobo/Aggie basketball games as she did for the New Mexico State Fair.

While we DO NOT support such a mandate and we oppose them on principle, it DOES strike us as HIGHLY dubious, especially when New Mexico’s COVID hospitalizations are considered.

As you can see below, New Mexico is seeing an increase in COVID cases and hospitalizations. Back on September 9, 2021, the first weekday of the New Mexico State Fair, New Mexico had 370 COVID hospitalizations. As of Nov. 1, 2021 (the latest date available as of this writing)  New Mexico has 368 hospitalizations. In other words, the COVID situation is as bad now as it was when the Fair began.

The Lobos season starts on November 5. Will COVID cases suddenly drop in New Mexico or will MLG’s hypocrisy towards Fair attendees and participants be on full display? Of course, the Fair is held outside and in large barns. The Pit crowd is very tightly packed.

Tipping Point NM episode 348: Larry Behrens – Global, National and New Mexico Energy Issues


On the latest Tipping Point New Mexico interview Paul talks to Larry Behrens of Power the Future. Larry and Paul discuss current energy issues in New Mexico and nationally including the rising price of energy across all fuel sources, the unfolding crisis in Europe this winter, MLG’s “net zero” plans, and the problems facing New Mexico and its electrical grid this coming summer when San Juan Generating Station shuts down. Energy issues are always critical, but are truly “top of mind” these days. You don’t want to miss this conversation!

Net Zero Can’t be achieved w/o nuclear, but NM is abandoning nuclear


For starters, it is worth clarifying that utilities LIKE many green mandates because they get to ramp up electricity prices for all those “renewables: which means bigger profits for them and their companies.

That said, those energy companies STILL need to provide reliable electricity. So, when the head of Duke Energy, one of America’s largest utility’s says, “Net-Zero emissions can’t be achieved without nuclear power,” it is worth paying attention.

Gov. MLG wants the Democrat-controlled New Mexico Legislature to adopt legislation during the 2022 session to make New Mexico “net zero” CO2 emissions by 2050.  Did she discuss nuclear energy? No, of course not. Instead, thanks to New Mexico’s Energy Transition Act, passed in 2019 at the behest of our Governor, PNM is in the process of abandoning nuclear and will get out of leases it currently has with the Palo Verde nuclear plant in Arizona in 2023 and 2024.

Duke Energy’s CEO further elaborated on the issue, saying, “I want to keep that nuclear fleet operating as long as I possibly can because I don’t have an alternative of a carbon-free resource that runs 95% of the time, which is what nuclear represents today.”

Experts disagree on role of nuclear power in a more sustainable future


New Mexico Public Education Department cancels in-person meeting on controversial social studies curriculum


The Rio Grande Foundation has been active in encouraging written testimony from New Mexicans regarding the Public Education Department’s controversial new social studies curriculum (click for more information or to send your own comments). Whether these standards are embedded with “Critical Race Theory” or not is open to debate, but there is no question that numerous CRT “buzzwords” and concepts appear in the new guidelines.

Separately, but at the very same meeting, the PED was supposed to collect comments on a proposal that would make it MUCH more difficult for elected school board members to defend themselves against being replaced by the Secretary (often acting on behalf of their boss, the Gov.). The proposal, if adopted, will force board members to obtain and pay for legal representation themselves (click to comment on THAT proposal), thus making it nearly impossible for them to defend against State overreach.

We have JUST received word that PED has CANCELED the public meeting and will be holding the meeting on Zoom only. Clearly they want to be able to control the meeting which can be done much more easily online. Read the revised notice here including Zoom info:


The New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) gives notice of time and location changes to a public hearing scheduled Friday, November 12, 2021, published in Issue 18 of the New Mexico Register on September 28, 2021.

The PED gives notice that it will conduct a public hearing on Friday, November 12, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (MDT) via Zoom for

  • the proposed repeal of 30.6 NMAC, Suspension of Authority of a Local School Board, Superintendent, or Principal, to be replaced with 6.30.6 NMAC, Suspension of Authority of a Local School Board;
  • the proposed new rule 60.11 NMAC, Required Training Program for School District Personnel, School Volunteers, and Contractors; and
  • the proposed repeal and replace of 29.11 NMAC, Social Studies.

Zoom Information.

Public Comment.  Interested parties may provide comment at the public hearing or may submit written comments by mail to John Sena, Policy Division, New Mexico Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Avenue, Room 121, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, by electronic mail to, or by fax to (505) 827-6520.  Written comments must be received no later than 5 p.m. (MDT) on Friday, November 12, 2021. The PED encourages the early submission of written comments. The public comment period is from Tuesday, September 28, 2021 to Friday, November 12, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (MDT).

The PED will review all feedback received during the public comment period and issue communication regarding a final decision at a later date.

Copies of the proposed rules may be accessed through the page titled, “Rule Notification,” on the PED’s website at, or may be obtained from John Sena at (505) 570-7816 during regular business hours.

Individuals with disabilities who require the above information in an alternative format or need any form of auxiliary aid to attend or participate in the public hearing are asked to contact John Sena at (505) 570-7816 as soon as possible before the date set for the public hearing.  The PED requires at least 10 calendar days advance notice to provide any special accommodations requested.


Santa Fe New Mexican op-ed: An energy crisis looms in New Mexico


The following appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican on October 24, 2021.

Western Europe is facing an energy crisis this winter. Prices have skyrocketed. Natural gas is 400 percent higher than the start of 2021 while coal is up over 300 percent.

As if high prices weren’t enough of a problem, 40 percent of the natural gas that Europe uses comes from Vladamir Putin’s Russia, an unreliable supplier to say the least.

New Mexicans should take heed. Thankfully, despite the Biden Administration’s permitting ban on federal lands (since invalidated by a judge), New Mexico has steady supplies of oil and natural gas.

Those supplies help protect us from wild price swings and supply disruptions like those that could cause massive economic pain and human suffering in Europe this winter.

While we’ll be fine this winter, New Mexico’s largest utility is facing serious challenges finding enough electricity by next summer.

Due to the Energy Transition Act of 2019 which forms the cornerstone of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “Green New Deal” agenda, the San Juan Generating Station is slated to be permanently shut down next June during the hottest part of next summer.

PNM executives have stated clearly that the hunt for “renewable” power to replace San Juan Generating Station is not going well. Even in the best of circumstances “renewables” like solar and wind are inconsistent and require backup like batteries, but the pandemic has hit supply chains hard and projects are being delayed.

Unless Gov. Lujan Grisham acts quickly to keep San Juan Generating Station open, the plant will be taken offline as scheduled this summer and blackouts and brownouts could be the result. If you don’t believe me, Tom Fallgren, PNM’s vice president of generation told the Public Regulation Commission recently, in discussing the possibility of brownouts and blackouts said, “Am I concerned? Yes. Do I lose sleep over it? Yes. Can we solve it? Yes.”

He further noted that PNM practices for scenarios, such as brownouts, have detailed procedures to handle them and prioritize power for places such as hospitals.

Finally, Fallgren noted, “We are looking at any and all options. … And we continue to beat the bushes, so to say, for other opportunities as well.” Are you feeling reassured? I’m not. Interestingly enough, PNM continues to reject new natural gas-powered resources in New Mexico as replacement supply.

Even if we escape serious power outages this summer, the issue is not going away. In fact, it will only get worse. In 2023 and 2024, PNM is abandoning its leases for power from Palo Verde (a nuclear power plant in Arizona), and by the end of 2024, PNM will no longer receive power from the Four Corners plant, yet another coal-fired plant here in New Mexico.

Ironically, as has been discussed in PRC hearings, the Navajo Tribe wants to take over Four Corners plant (saving jobs and tax revenues) while environmentalists are pushing hard to shut it down completely. Regardless of what happens next summer or over the next few years, these are policy-driven decisions made by Lujan Grisham and Democrats in the Legislature. They could have massive implications for New Mexico families.

Already, with the price of everything already going up, New Mexicans’ electric bills rose 5 percent just last year. Those rate hikes will continue to escalate for years into the future regardless of whether PNM or Avangrid is in charge. Wasn’t the Energy Transition Act supposed to hold the line on price increases?

New Mexicans and their elected officials must be aware of the very real problems facing them as June of 2022 approaches. It is not too late to prevent this crisis.

Paul Gessing is president of New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation, a tax-exempt organization dedicated to promoting prosperity and individual responsibility.

Tipping Point NM episode 347: Unemployment, Spaceport open for a decade, Deadly shooting on New Mexico movie set


NM’s unemployment rate drops but remains 5th highest in the nation.

Top 11 lowest states have GOP Governors, bottom 8 have Democrats.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) admits it funded risky “gain of function” research at Wuhan lab. Biden Administration is using relief money to push schools to keep masks on in schools. 5,000 New Mexicans have now died. 

Heinrich’s effort to ban natural gas appliances is based on faulty study. MLG announces legislation making NM “Net Zero” by 2050 at New Mexico Climate Conference at the Roundhouse. Meanwhile, China is mining and using record amounts of coal.

New Mexico’s Secretary of State endorses MLG.

PED Secretary Steinhaus needs to show us the data on several controversial moves.

As of October 18, 2021, the Spaceport has now been open for a decade. 

Alec Baldwin involved in deadly shooting on movie set in New Mexico. This incident created international news. New Mexico’s film industry is heavily subsidized of course.

NM September unemployment rate 5th-highest in nation


New Mexico’s unemployment rate in September remains elevated at 5th-highest in the nation. And, New Mexico continues to exceed all of its neighbors’ rates by a considerable margin.

According to an RGF analysis, each of the bottom 8 states (worst unemployment) has a Democrat governor. Each of the 11 lowest unemployment rate states has a Republican governor. Due to the outsized role of COVID policy in driving unemployment rates and the near total dominance of governors, this is the “current” context behind “red” and “blue” distinctions.

Climate change dramatically lags crime, homelessness, and school quality in new ABQ Journal poll


Even in “blue” Albuquerque, devoid as it is of energy production and associated workers, “climate change” lags far behind other important issues in terms of how concerned voters are about them.

As seen below and in today’s Albuquerque Journal, the crime rate more than DOUBLES climate change as an issue voters are ‘very concerned’ about. Homelessness and the low quality of schools in the City are also of far greater concern.

Ironically, of the issues polled only COVID lags climate change as an issue of extreme concern. While it appears that Mayor Keller is going to cruise to victory, it is interesting that Gov. Lujan Grisham has most actively engaged on COVID and climate change. Crime and especially the quality of public schools have not been her priorities. Seems like a roadmap for candidates.

346 Michael Leach – Developing Albuquerque History and Current Issues in Commercial Real Estate


On this week’s podcast conversation, Paul talks to Michael Leach, SIOR. Michael is the Founder and Owner of Sycamore Associates, a commercial real estate firm based in Albuquerque that works primarily in the industrial sector.

Paul and Michael discuss the development of Albuquerque and the relationship between various businesses in the ABQ Metro and how that allows them to serve clients statewide. They also discuss the role public policies play including the permitting process, crime, taxation, and the State’s education system.

This is an informative conversation you won’t want to miss!

PED secretary needs to show us the data


The following opinion piece appeared in the Las Cruces Sun News on Sunday, October 24, 2021.

Kurt Steinhaus has been on the job for just a month or so, but he has already put forth policies and ideas regarding New Mexico’s education system that leave us scratching our heads.

We all want our children to do better in school so that they are prepared to be productive workers and informed citizens. That is not an easy task and it is made even more difficult by the pandemic and the government’s reaction to it.

The first question is why PED has chosen not to release standardized testing data that it has from March of 2020 prior to the pandemic. Yes, only 10% of students took the test, but there is still useful information to be gleaned from the 10% that took it. That’s especially true since there will be no data available at all for 2021. We know New Mexico students began the pandemic behind their peers in other states, but New Mexico families and our education leaders deserve to have at least some insights into where things stood right before the pandemic.

More bizarre are comments Steinhaus made in early October at a Legislative Education Study Committee. When asked what New Mexico would need to do to “make New Mexico teacher salaries competitive” he claimed the state would “have to double teacher salaries.”

That is quite simply false. According to the latest data from the National Education Association, New Mexico’s average teacher pay is $54,256 annually (ranked 32nd in the nation). The highest paid teachers on average are found in New York where they make $87,069. Doubling New Mexico teacher salaries would not “make them competitive.” It would make them by far the highest paid in the nation (at nearly $110,000) in a state that has much lower taxes and living costs than does New York and others with high salaries.

Setting aside whether increasing teacher pay is warranted or effective at increasing student performance, there is simply no data backing up the idea that New Mexico should double teacher pay. Perhaps Steinhaus is not familiar with what New Mexico teachers make or past efforts to recruit and offer enhanced pay to high performing teachers.

And then there are the state’s revised social studies standards which clearly were “in progress” during (prior Secretary) Ryan Stewart’s time at PED but were recently released under Steinhaus. Whether you can call the new, much more prescriptive standards “critical race theory” or not is open to question, but there are concerning elements to be found in the new standards.

Throughout the new curriculum there is a focus not simply on geography, human development and historical facts and events and their relevance for us today. If adopted, the curriculum will intently focus on differences, rather than the similarities among various racial and ethnic groups. Talk of inequity (unequal outcome for different groups) will replace equality under the law. The general trend in the new standards is away from presenting the facts and asking students to come to their own conclusions to instead hammering approved beliefs on everything from gun control and “destruction and occupation” of the Americas by the Spaniards into students.

There is currently a public comment period on these standards going on through Nov. 12. Please look at them and submit your own comments today.

Secretary Steinhaus does not have an easy job and we understand that. But, our schools need a focused, data-driven approach to improve student outcomes. If paying teachers more will improve outcomes, let’s see the data. And rather than teaching watered-down CRT, let’s focus on teaching basic historical events and not spinning them to make America look like a hive of inequality and injustice.

Paul J. Gessing is president of New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation. The Rio Grande Foundation is an independent, nonpartisan, tax-exempt research and educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility.

Sen. Heinrich’s push to ban natural gas appliances based on faulty study


As we’ve noted National Review and elsewhere Sen. Martin Heinrich is one of the “ringleaders” of efforts to get rid of natural gas appliances like heaters, stoves, and hot water heaters in homes.

Heinrich is primarily doing this because he doesn’t like traditional energy sources, but he sometimes justifies his efforts based on supposed issues with indoor air pollution predominantly caused by cooking on gas stoves. 

Well, a new report doesn’t just call into question Heinrich’s facts, it dismantles them.  Here are some choice quotes:

Conducted by Catalyst Environmental Solutions, the Oct. 13 study contends the previous analysis inflated the risk of using gas stoves and other appliances through “incorrect and misleading comparisons” of emissions and current indoor pollution standards.

The report pointed out “several significant flaws in the UCLA Report that undermine its use in decision-making on the topic of the health effects of natural gas stoves and ovens.”

In addition to misleading comparisons between natural gas and emissions standards, the UCLA report neglected air quality issues from the food being cooked, unanticipated consequences of replacing natural gas and made other assumptions, the Catalyst Environmental Solutions report said.

Once again, Heinrich who desperately wants to end fossil fuels, is trying to manipulate science to support his radical agenda.

Biden Administration leveraging COVID $$ to keep masks in place in schools


According to Fox News, the Biden Administration is requiring school systems  comply with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance in order to obtain coronavirus relief funding.

Furthermore, yesterday, CDC director Rache Walensky said that her agency would continue to require students to wear masks in classrooms regardless of how many students receive the vaccine which will soon be available to 5-11 year olds. 

So, we have a federal government that seems hellbent on keeping kids masked in school through 2023 and they are using our tax dollars to “encourage”/bribe complicity with those mask mandates (see the quote below). 

Tipping Point NM episode 345: Mask Mandate, Education Scores, State Fair, and Coal


MLG extends indoor mask mandate through November 12. New Mexico is one of small handful of states that has an indoor mask mandate. Here is a map. New Mexico’s medical system is now in “crisis” mode. What is happening? 

Disappointing National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores from the “Nation’s Report Card” test which was given pre-pandemic are out. Notably, results from the assessment show widening score gaps between higher-performing and lower-performing students, with the changes driven by declines among lower-performing students – a trend that’s emerged across other NAEP exams and grade levels in recent years, including in mathematics and reading at grades four and eight.

State fair attendance was way down this year. 

Hearings on Four Corners Power Plant & PNM’s planned abandonment include some interesting takes, especially from environmental groups.  Rumors of coal’s death are greatly exaggerated. Prices are skyrocketing as utilities embrace coal in order to keep the lights on.

New Education Department rules to make it harder for school boards to defend themselves against replacement (Comment Now!)


Were you appalled by the efforts of Gov. Lujan Grisham and her Secretary of Education to replace the entire Floyd, NM school board for having the temerity to stand up in opposition to her school mask mandate? I was.

The Floyd issue is tied up in court, but quietly, the PED is proposing some rule changes to make it  more difficult for local shool boards to defend themselves against the PED by limiting the types of attorneys they can use to defend themselves and forcing school board members to pay for them by themselves (as opposed to the district).

You can download the proposed rule on this issue here.

PED is NOW accepting public comments and will do so until November 12, 2021 at 5 p.m. (MDT). There will be a public hearing  Friday, November 12 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (MDT) at Mabry Hall in Santa Fe.

All written rule feedback should be submitted to:

  • Fax505-827-6520
  • Mail: Policy Division, Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87501

Below is a brief discussion of some of the important changes PED is requesting. The proposed rule is: 6.30.6 NMAC, Suspension of Authority of a Local School Board:

  1. The proposed rule makes it explicitly clear that while a local school board  member has a right to counsel, the school board member must use a legal counsel that is independent of the local school board’s counsel.  The current rule only says a local school board member has a right to counsel, no restrictions are provided.
  2. Similarly, the proposed rule states that a local school board member must pay their own expenses related to their hearing defense and that the local school districts shall not pay for such expenses.  The current rule makes no reference as to who should or should not pay the legal expenses.  (I cannot recall if the Floyd school members paid for their own legal costs or if the local school district paid.)

Will MLG mandate vaccines for Lobo/Aggie basketball fans?


For the record, the Rio Grande Foundation DOES NOT support vaccine mandates. But, basketball season is coming soon and Gov. Lujan Grisham has extended her universal mask mandate into the upcoming basketball season. New Mexico is just one of six states with a “universal” indoor mandate. This means basketball fans will be wearing masks for at least their first two games.

But the Gov. has also imposed various COVID vaccine mandates as well:

Clearly, the Gov. has the POWER to impose a universal vaccine mandate on Lobo and Aggie fans, but WILL she? We don’t know the answer to that question yet. Having attended numerous Lobo basketball games, RGF’s president can attest to the fact that when “The Pit” is full, it is truly “packed.” It goes without saying that all basketball arenas are completely indoor venues with people in far closer proximity to each other than at the Fair or Balloon Fiesta.

New Mexico Basketball - THE PIT - Naismith Student Section Award Video -  YouTube